Extra 1 • Coin Trick 1

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"Gen!" Senku called out.

"Yeah, Senku chan?" Gen walked over to Senku's bed where he was seated.

"Can you show me some magic tricks?" Senku asked.

"You...want to see some magic tricks?" Gen asked amused.

"Yup." Senku moved over to make space for the other. "Something which doesn't need preparation. There are stuff you can do on spot...right?"

"I can, of course." Gen eyed him suspiciously. "But why the sudden interest, Senku chan?"

"What?" He demanded. "Just asked."



"Say please," Gen answered with a smug smile.

But Senku was too prideful. He just sat there pouting; he couldn't say please just like that.

"Say please or no tricks for you," Gen repeated.

"You're so enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Absolutely!" Gen laughed. "It's one thing getting you to ask and other getting you to request."

Seemed like Senku had no other choice. "...fine." Gen looked at him expectantly. "Please."

"Okay, Senku chan. You earned yourself something. But give me a sec."

"Sure." Senku watched every move the other did. He was determined to figure out how the trick worked. Gen, on the other hand, grabbed his bag, opened it and pulled out a few coins and a white turkey towel.

"Do you carry the towel everywhere?" Senku asked surprised.

"Oh this?" Gen laughed. "Yeah. You never know when people will ask for some magic tricks. And it can also come in handy at times you know."

"...okay," Senku said. And the other just laughed again.

"Okay Senku chan, watch closely now," Gen said carrying the things to Senku's working table. Meanwhile, Senku concentrated on the coins.

The towel was spread over the table and four coins were placed upon it in the places of the vertices of a square. Gen's hands were placed directly in front of him. "There are four coins, yeah?"

"Yeah," Senku confirmed. There were only four coins. As far as he could see, that is. Who knew where magicians hid weird things?

Gen turned over his hands. "Nothing?"


"So, now..." Gen said slowly as he covered two of the coins with his palms. The next moment when he took them back the coins had changed positions. One of the coins had gone over to the other vertice such the they were next to each other. And nothing was there in the moved coin's previous place.

"Wha..." Senku said in surprise to which he just received a grin.

"And now..." This time Gen covered the two coins with one hand and one coin with his other. The third coin too had switched places as he drew his hands back.

"Wait... how?" Senku asked dumbfounded.

"Magic, Senku chan, magic," Gen said and placed his hands on the three coins and the last one left. When he withdrew his hands the same thing had happened and now all the four coins were together. He brought his hands to rest in front of him again. Then he upturned his hands. "Nothing?"

Senku couldn't believe it but he had to admit it. "Nothing." Because there was nothing hidden between the fingers or in the sleeve. "How?"

Gen smirked. He knew Senku was too curious for his own good but anyone will be intrigued by magic tricks. But Senku was special because magic was an illusion and not science; which Senku was so used to. He must be dying to figure it out.

"Not revealing, Senku chan," Gen teased. He could practically see Senku's mind working miles a minute and trying to figure out what exactly had happened and how the coins had moved. But unfortunately for the scientist, Gen was a semi professional magician. He knew his tricks.

"Please?" Senku asked with puppy eyes— something Gen was weak for.

He found it hard to say no. But he was not about it give it away just then. "A clue for a kiss." But when he saw Senku not satisfied with just a clue, he said, "Best bet, Senku chan. Also you get to kiss me."

Reluctantly Senku placed a small kiss on Gen's lips with a blush. "Clue please," Senku said averting his eyes.


"You said you will give me a clue!"

Gen laughed. "Alright, alright. I might or might not have used another coin..."

"Another coin?" Senku asked and the other nodded. "So there were five coins?"


Senku frowned and concentrated. And when he couldn't come up with an answer he went with the only other option. "Please?" Senku pleaded again. "Please."

Damn. His thinking face was too cute. Senku's lips wore a pout and his eyebrows formed a small V. His eyes moved all over the place looking for help to find out the answer. Gen couldn't stand it any longer. "Okay I'll tell you."

Senku smiled instantly.

"And yes, there were five coins. See?" Gen lifted his right hand and there was the fifth coin. He hadn't moved his hands after the little trick which was why Senku hadn't figured it out. "So when I showed you my hands at the beginning I wasn't hiding anything in my palm but under my forearm. Like this." He placed his hands in such a way that the fifth coin was under his forearm and wasn't visible to the spectator.

"Then I place my right hand on the fifth coin and drag it one of the vertice coins. And that makes two coins there. And my left hand goes to one of the four coins and drags it away from the square formation. And remember, Senku chan, you never see me lift my hand because there's always a coin under it. If I lift that then you will know there are five coins and not four." Gen explained.

"Now there are two coins together and one under my left hand. Then I drop the one under my left hand with the two coins. That makes three coins together. And my right hand covers one of the vertice coins. Now I have one coin under my right hand and three together," he continued.

"Oh! I get it! So then you add the coin under your right hand and that counts as the fourth coin. Right?" Senku asked excited.

Gen smiled. "Yes."

"But what about the one coin left? You even showed me your hands but I didn't see it...?"

"Ah, that's because I cover it with my forearm and only show you my palms where nothing is hidden."

"Wow," Senku said breathless.

"Did you like it, Senku chan?"

"One billion percent!" Senku said. He then frowned," Wait..."

Gen was waiting for that question. "Yes?"

"So the towel..."

"Yup! It's so that you wouldn't hear me dragging the coin," Gen chuckled. "If you watch closely I never lift the coin but drag it."

"...I see."

"Do you want to try it?"

Senku thought it was stupid. There was no logical reasoning to this but it had still amazed him. "Sure!"

"Come here, Senku chan," Gen moved over. "Now put your right hand..."

A/N: Y'all I'm still alive 😂 and yes I am working on this book so it doesn't go down the drain. Here's an extra chapter as an apology, remainder that I'm among the living and animate and a means of expressing gratitude— we reached 1K wHat THe Hecc??! Thank you all. I enjoyed writing and will continue.

So my finals are coming up right (yeah I live in another part of the world where the finals are in Feb) so you might have to wait a bit I'm sorry but I promise the updates start from the day after my exams end. Till then expect extras 🤠

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