Chapter 9 •

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Soulmate: Ilysm
Soulmate: guess what this means

Senku thought hard. It would have to be something related to...marriage? Just something romantic probably. Making a mental list of all potential answers, he ruled them out according to the letters.

Senku: I love you?

The time it took for the person at the other end to write back to him felt as long as the creation of the universe.

Soulmate: so much :D

Though he tried his best not to, he had to admit it was stupidly cute. Never in his life would he have thought a person whose face he didn't know would say "I love you" to him. But here it was. He had also thought it was impossible to make him flustered. But here he was, all red because his soulmate had told him they loved him. Do people just say things like this to people others?

Senku: hm
Senku: but you don't even know me
Soulmate: I don't have to I know I'll love you
Soulmate: even now I like this connection between us it's like slowly getting to know a person without judging them on sight and slowly loving them

That...was an approach he hadn't considered.

The soulmate bond had inspired thousands of novels and movies; he had heard enough from his mother anyway. All kinds of stories where two soulmates got to know each other through the bond and slowly fell in love. But love at first sight stories also had their fair share, where the soulmate bond didn't exist. This whole connection fascinated him like nothing else.

Senku: but what if you don't like me
Soulmate: why do you say that (genuinely curious not derogatory)
Senku: I only know that you don't like science and you can't wake up early
Soulmate: out of all the things you could say you choose this ;_;
Senku: I didn't choose anything it's literally all I know about you
Soulmate: okay how about this everyday we tell each other one fact about ourselves nothing too specific just surface level stuff

Senku paused and wrote back.

Senku: no
Soulmate: what why :(
Senku: I have other things to do

It was true. He did like them a bit but exchanging general facts about themselves seemed stupid. Not only because it was a waste of time and energy but also because they would be very common things. Anybody can have a particular phone cover or like a certain drink. It wouldn't make it easier to find his soulmate at all.

Soulmate: soulmate chan :(  :(  :(  :(
Soulmate: cmon now it's literally just one sentence is that so hard for you to write everyday?????
Senku: yes
Soulmate: soulmate chan please
Soulmate: wait why exactly do you not want to??!
Senku: because it doesn't make it easier to find you
Soulmate: oho you want to find me??? *wink wink*

Senku raised his eyebrows.

Soulmate: okay I'm sorry I'll stop
Soulmate: see the whole point of this is that when you know general stuff about me then you'll know me to some extent but not enough to find me in a crowd it's mysterious yk
Soulmate: idk I like it

Senku blinked. The way this person made him look at things in a new light was incredible. He had always been a logical person but the prospect of vaguely knowing someone while not really knowing did seem intriguing to him. Senku found it brilliant how this person who hated science was the one who gave him an idea of how the soulmate bond worked and this unfamiliar familiarity.

Senku: today's fact about me: I love science. Chemistry especially

He waited.

Nothing happened.

Waiting for his soulmate to reply, he suddenly realised what was happening. It was lunch. And he was in the bathroom, with his bag, writing to his soulmate. What was he thinking? Running off in the middle of school to talk to his soulmate was absolutely not a Senku-thing to do.

Soulmate: my fact: I can't wake up early.
Soulmate: bish istg–

The last message was ruled out. Was it a mistake? Or was that another 'slang'? Before he could write anything back, the bell rang. Lunch was over. He didn't want to go. But he didn't know what to say either. Deciding it would be better if he were to use classes as an excuse, he took a deep breath and wrote,

Senku: lunch is over here I have to go
Soulmate: k.

What was he supposed to say to that?

Senku: I'll

Senku paused. He'll what? He originally wanted to write, I'll talk to you later. But how was he supposed to say that without it coming off as awkward? Besides, every moment he spends after stopping in the middle of what he wanted to say, was every moment his soulmate could judge him. And he didn't want them to think bad of him.

Soulmate: ?

Oh Gallium. He could feel them judging him through the physical distance between them. Blinded by panic he scribbled,

Senku: I'll talk to you later
Soulmate: ...sure!
Soulmate: I'm surprised you said that to my face that's all
Soulmate: I'm happy you want to talk-

The message was followed by what Senku could comprehend as a decent attempt to draw the puppy-eyed emoji.

He smiled. It did feel nice to hear he made someone happy. He said bye to which they made fun of him wanting to talk to them when he hadn't replied for years before. He was embarrassed but he knew he deserved it. After checking if his uniform and bag wasn't wet or damaged, he proceeded to get out of the bathroom and make it to his next class. As expected, the entire day went well.

A/N: ahem

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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