Chapter 5 - Koi No Yokan

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Senku looked up to see a student with half white and half black hair.

The first thing he noticed was how stunning they looked. Their uniform was one he did not recognise. Their bi coloured hair—white on the left where a strand was longer and black on the right which was shorter— ruffled in the gush of wind. The school bag was slung over their shoulders from left it right. Their smile just widened when they saw Senku sitting in his ridiculous position.

As their gazes met, Senku could feel time stop; his heartbeat raced, mocking time. Koi No Yokan, the amazing sense upon meeting someone that you are going to fall in love one day. But he could only secure that feeling for a fraction of a second. Before he knew it, the moment had passed.

A loud cry shook him awake from his thoughts. A sobbing little girl about five emerged from behind the student holding was her grandmother's hand. The old lady was frantically trying to calm her down.

The lady and the girl approached him. "Hello son, is- ah, I'm sorry about her," she said awkwardly signalling to the crying kid. "You... a-"

"I'm her son," Senku answered before the lady could ask.

"Oh. Nice to finally meet you! Your mom talks about you often." She smiled.

Senku said embarrassed, "Is that so?"

She turned to her granddaughter. "Didn't you have candy apple earlier today? If you have this many in a day, then all your teeth will fallout. Then you won't be able to have anything," she explained in a typical lying-to-the-kids-so-they-listen-to-you way. Turning to Senku she said, "is your mother busy?"

"Yeah, she... she went out," Senku replied lamely.

"Tell her I said hello!"

"I will." He hoped she would hurry up.

"And, son, I had ordered lilies?"

"Here." Senku handed them over to her. He watched her struggle to handle the bags, calm her granddaughter and place the flowers in the bag.

Senku glanced at the student. All they were doing was examine some yellow flowers a few feet away. From the moment they entered, they didn't pay any attention to him. But despite that Senku had a vague feeling that they were listening.

He shifted his attention to the kid, then the student again. An idea popped up in his mind.

Senku hurried to the pink roses. The sole reason he chose this flower was because it was near the yellow ones. That meant getting to stand next to the student. When he reached there they looked up mildly surprised as if they noticed him for the first time. But he tried to avoid looking at them because he somehow felt that if he did then they would know about what he was really thinking.

Quietly he picked out a rose. Going back he stood in front of the child and offered it to her. The best comfort words he could come up with were, "don't cry." Being new to such things he said the magic word his mother had always advised to say. "Please," he added.

Her eyes widened and the sobbing stopped. She looked at her grandmother silently asking for her approval.

"Oh, no, no. It's okay son. You don't have to-" She trailed off as her granddaughter wiped her eyes on her sleeve and accepted it.

He sneaked a glance towards the stranger. He was plenty sure they were watching.

She sniffed. "I'm so-sorry."

"You don't have to apologise. I'll get you candy apples tomorrow. No crying okay?" Her grandmother said kindly.


"I really... thank you," the lady said. "I have no words to thank you, son."

Senku just nodded. He felt guilty because a part of the reason he did what he did was to make a good impression on the student. He didn't even know why he wanted to do so. But all he knew was that he wanted to be seen in a good light in front of them. Despite the act being selfish he had done it and it had worked. It was a win-win for Senku.

"We will take our leave then. Do tell hello to your mom from me." The lady took her granddaughter's hand in hers.


At the door the kid turned and smiled at him. He returned it feeling the only other person's eyes on him.

"Uh, how can I help you?" He asked unsure.

They turned around to face him. "Hello...?"


"Hello Senku chan!"

Senku chan... Soulmate chan... Could it be possible...?

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