Chapter 3 • Lunch Surprises

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As the wind ruffled the leaves and the grass Senku stared at his hand in shock. Did this person just scientifically define soulmates?

Soulmate: -_- so maybe when we were created our atoms were next to each other and now it wants to keep coming back together or something idk*
(*Short for- I don't know)

Holy hydrochloride! Senku thought.

Senku wasn't able to believe his senses. Just how many times had he thought about things which Science could and couldn't explain? And then someone just came out of the blue and managed to totally divert his attention from experimenting various things to this strange concept of soulmates.

He was never interested in this in the first place. But they made him blush, made him think of them the whole day, made him eager to get to know them and talk to them. Senku was sure nothing else could take the love he had for Science, but he realised he was wrong. The feeling bubbling inside him right now was... different. Something he had never felt his whole life. He just realised how wrong he was.

Senku checked his watch. It read 1:22 pm. He still had 8 more minutes. He could sit here like this and talk to them forever. Not wanting to stop he proceeded to ask random things.

Senku: so
Soulmate: so???
Senku: how was your day
Soulmate: nice
Senku: okay
Soulmate: okay then bye

Did they not want to talk to him?

Senku: no wait
Soulmate: huh is it possible that my science freak soulmate wants to do something besides science

Senku would never admit it but he did want to talk to them. He did want to do this besides Science.

Senku: no just bored
Soulmate: oh
Senku: ya so how about you
Soulmate: what about me
Senku: how about you tell me something about yourself
Soulmate: why do you want to know about me

Where did he go wrong? All he needed was one conversation to figure out that his soulmate was not the person to give short answers. They seemed to be the kind of person who is enthusiastic about everything and always have dramatic reactions. He was smart enough to figure out he had done something. Hoping they wouldn't stop talking to him he wrote the only thing he could think of.

Senku: hey are you mad
Soulmate: no
Senku: you seem so
Soulmate: nope
Senku: okay then what is your favourite colour
Soulmate: white
Senku: technically white is not a colour but whatever favourite food?
Soulmate: cola
Senku: it's not food
Soulmate: and?
Senku: nothing
Soulmate: k bye I have to go lunch is almost over

Indeed. His watch read 1:25 pm and he had a test in Physics, which was in five minutes. He also had to stop by the locker to get his books and he didn't want to be late for the test which forced him to say goodbye to them for now. But he had an idea.

Senku: hey hey wait a minute

He waited. No response.

Senku: hello?

He was desperate now. He really wanted to talk more with them. But he had a damn test and he was only halfway through the day.

Soulmate: ya?

Senku gleamed with joy.

Senku: can I... you know
Soulmate: no I don't
Senku: like...
Soulmate: hmm?

Why does it sound like they're teasing me? Though a really embarrassed Senku.

Senku: when are you free?
Soulmate: huh? You wanna know when I'm free soulmate chan???

Senku couldn't help but feel more stupid by the minute. He was trying to ask when his soulmate was free so he can talk to them. But looking at the way things were going he wasn't going to get an answer anytime soon.

Senku: yes

He may seem confident to the other person but only he was knew the many weird looks he was getting from the other students.

Soulmate: now why would you want to know that soulmate chan??
Senku: just tell me dammit
Soulmate: :D
Senku: what are these stupid things
Soulmate: look at it from your right soulmate chan it makes a smiley face
Senku: I just face palmed
Soulmate: :)
Senku: are you telling me or?
Soulmate: or?? Or wut soulmate chan?? Are you going to kiss me?? :P
Senku: you know what
Soulmate: no idk
Soulmate: wait lemme guess go pour nitric acid on my face??
Senku: no drown in pyroligneous acid
Soulmate: I have no idea wut that is :D
Senku: I had to face palm again
Soulmate: దు.దు
Senku: forget it
Soulmate: okay!!

"SENKU!" Came a voice startling Senku who was grumbling under his breath from the failure of his plan.

"What is it you big oaf?" He managed not to direct his annoyance at his friend.

"Are you sick? Why are you murmuring?" Taiju just asked frowning.

"Its nothing- actually it's a medical condition, Taiju, didn't you know?" Senku said innocently. "It's called stupidicia. Grumbling, shouting, saying irrelevant things, and loud voice are the symptoms."

"What?" Taiju yelled shocked. "I have a loud voice, shout a lot and say irrelevant things. So..."

"Yeah, seems like we both have stupidicia."

"Is it fatal? Are we going to die?"

"I hope."

"NO! I won't be able to go on more dates with Yuzuriha. Isn't there a cure, Senku?" Taiju said tearing up a little.

"I don't know. Why don't you find a cure? Anyway, lets go now. It's time for physics."

"Help me, please? I didn't study."

"Neither did I but whatever."

The good physics test made him forget the fact that he was mad at his soulmate for teasing him.

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