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❛𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧❜

THROUGH THE FALLING LIVELY LEAVES, you had finally reached the headquarters where people said the master of the demon slayers resided. The matter of who it was didn't bother you, but the matter that he wanted to see you was weird to you.

Although you are Rank Kinoe, you haven't garnered enough attention to be the center of the aforementioned. Nor did rumors of you using two Breathing Styles have reached anyone, not even the Pillars (other than those two). So what was it really that made his request for your presence?

You were about to ask something from the two Pillars that led you here, but the annoyed and extremely bothered voice of Shinobu interrupted, "We have arrived in Lord Ubuyashiki's mansion, so could you please drop me already?" She had multiple irks on her forehead.

"Oh. My apologies," You placed her down carefully. She smiled at you, but you could sense annoyance under that smile. Shinobu and Giyuu walked ahead of you, towards the group of demon slayers, which you guessed are the other Pillars.

You didn't pay attention to them though. Your attention was on the boy you met, collapsed on the floor, and tied up.

Where is his sister? You immediately thought.

"Hey, you, wake up now. Wake up. Hey, do you hear me? Hey, damn you!" A member of the Kakushi tried to wake the boy up, "How long are you going to sleep! You better wake up now!" At the loud shouting he received, the boy's eyes snapped open in shock.

"What? I heard a Demon Slayer Corps member is accompanied by a demon. I was looking forward to a flamboyant and amazing person," A strange, tall man wearing a sleeveless version of the uniform spoke, "He ended up being an ordinary guy."

Another one spoke up too. He was even taller than the previous one. No, he was the tallest one out of them all. His hands were in a praying position as he sobbed, "Nama Amida Butsu..."

"Alright! We must put this young man on trial! I see!" A passionate and loud voice came from another one also. He had bright yellow hair with red ends.

"Who are-"

His head was pushed to the ground. "You have no right to speak here, idiot! Think about who these people are. The Pillars are standing before you!"

Million of thoughts and questions swam through the boy's mind. Who are they? What are the Pillars? Where am I?

And as if Shinobu could hear what he thought, she spoke up, "This is the headquarters of Demon Slayer Corps. Your trial will begin now, Kamado Tanjiro."

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