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❛𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐬❜

SINGING BIRDS AND DANCING LEAVES were the sounds that resonated from outside the hall, as well as the creaking of the wood every time you took a step. From within the estate, the place was fairly quiet and peaceful.

It's been hours since you first met Shinobu and you could still smell the delicate scent of interest emitting from her. It always fascinated you on who the smell would differ from person to person. With Kanao, you could hint at a whiff of white roses. While with Shinobu, dahlias and yellow acacias were prominent. The scent would always be flowers-but it depended on how potent it would be at times.

Strong emotions would fill up your senses with no mercy, bombarding them, flooding your nose and your eyes would burn with tears. While lighter emotions would be like smelling the flowers from a garden, more pleasant and you appreciated them more. This was the reason why you were well-versed in flowers.

You remember educating yourself in a library full of books about flowers. The hours you spent in that place—burrowing your nose in different books and collecting all kinds of information about your enhanced sense of smell—you learned that the different flowers that each person radiates each represent what they are.

When you took a glance towards Shinobu who was beside you, you pondered about the meaning of the flowers that emitted from her.

Dahlias. Elegance, dignity, and inner strength. Danaus plexippus, poisonous butterflies...

An impending force still strained by the shackles of its restrictions. Potential of a wintering storm, uncontrollable and raging. Thunderous emotions disguised as the calming snow, daring anyone to challenge it and fail. Yet, in the eye of the storm lied a shivering butterfly. That was your impression of Shinobu.

The Insect Pillar was somewhat smaller than you, yet she held emotions of a thousand winter storms. A small girl who possessed enough grudge to suffocate a drowning swimmer. You were curious of her immense and intense emotions that you were incapable of looking away.

Shinobu noticed your intense staring and stopped walking, "What is wrong?" Her voice snapped you out of your observations and you shook your head.

"Nothing. I was merely looking."

"And at me?"

You looked around and lifted an immaculate eyebrow, "Who else?" Shinobu looked at you with a baffled look before chuckling, her small hands covering her growing-smile.

"My~" She noised, "You have no filter, do you?" She smiled at you before walking again, you tailing right behind her. You noticed that her nape and the end of her ears were bright red.

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