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𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡

CLASHES OF WOOD resounded; flickers of contact so sharp that it slices through the thick air. Whisps of wind blew past the demon slayers' hair, brushing past their skin and disappearing to the wind.

Tomioka rushed ahead and swung his blade across, clanging against yours as splinters flew into the air. He grabbed the end of the wood and pushed against you, lifting off the blade at the end to tip you over.

He swung down as soon as you stepped back and you prepared to parry, swinging your blade against his. You dashed to the side, holding your blade vertically as he struck again, more splinters coming off.

You backed away from him carefully to assess the situation. He was watching your every move as he twirled the wooden sword in his hand.

Quickly, without you even noticing, he spun around and swung to you. You hurriedly stepped back to avoid the attack. He continued swinging, not leaving you any opening to attack him back.

You jumped up into the air and twirled, sending your foot towards him, to which he easily blocked. You hopped away from him and charged with the tip facing him. Tomioka was prepared to parry but you quickly turned the blade and used the pommel to hit him in the gut.

He didn't seem to be affected by it as he grabbed your arm with his free hand and turned, his back facing you, and used his elbow to hit you in the head.

You ducked in time, though wasn't expecting Tomioka to lift his leg and kick you in the stomach.

You were sent flying backward but you swiftly gained composure. With your hand to the ground before your whole body hits it, you gripped the dirt beneath you, stopping yourself from flying further.

You landed on your two feet as you gasped for air. The kick hit you directly in the diaphragm. Tomioka legitimately knocked the wind out of you.

Damn it. You cursed.

"Again." Tomioka merely said.


The next day, you trained again. You sparred against Tomioka. Strike after strike, he never seemed to waver.

When it seemed that you were on the upper hand, it quickly flipped to be in his favor and he defeated you.

The feint you made previously seemed to succeed, and you were ready to hit him from behind. But Tomioka swung around in a second, and the point of his blade was under your chin.

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