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Princess Marianna, that's her name. She hated the title, it made her feel weak and vulnerable. She walked around the castle, not caring about the guards or the people walking past her. This is her home, therefore, she will roam around the kingdom.

She heard a commotion somewhere. She followed the noise until it led her into a room. A boy with a man bun and a cat was shown. Marianna peeped her head by the door, hearing an older man yelling at the boy

"Hisirdoux! What have you done?!" He apologized, picking up the mess on the floor. Marianna couldn't help but smile at the boy. When the man left, Marianna couldn't help but intervene. She wanted to help the boy.

"You know, creating a mess cause bigger problems but later can be useful." The boy jumped, dropping the broom to the floor.

"Princess Marianna! I-I-I-"

"No need to be formal, I hate that." Marianna cut him off, putting her hand in the air, "Besides, I'm just like you. A witch, however, my aunt taught me all I know, although I'm still learning myself. " She bent down to pick up the broom.

"Right. Princes- uh Marianna, why are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be fulfilling your duties?" Marianna looked around playing dumb. She then smiled at him, picking up the rest of the mess that was made.

"Certainly, but I like to call those duties overworked, Hisirdoux." She loved doing her job as a princess but in reality, she wants to feel free than being locked inside the castle with knights swarming in, innocent creatures executed, and her power of her own.

Hisirdoux returned the smile. Maria gave the broom to the boy, walking over to get another broom. They sweep up the room, laughing at each other, telling each other jokes. For the first time ever, she felt free around someone.


"Come on, Doux! Let's go!" Maria pulled the wizard boy out of the castle, laughing along the way. Hisirdoux wasn't sure if this was the best idea but he didn't want to let her down.

No matter how many times Archie told them it was far dangerous, she didn't listen. She just kept running into the Wild Wood.

"Hey, Doux? Do you know why the Wild Wood is my favorite spot?"

"This is here my mother and father played games here." She smiled, she doesn't remember much of her mother as she died as Maria was a young child, "This is the closest thing, I've been to my mother. Father would never allow me out during nightfall."

Marianna stared at the dark blue sky. It was beautiful, she thought. The stars remind her of her mother. Hisirdoux stared at the girl's beauty. He couldn't help but admire how beautiful she is.

Archie curled next to Marianna and Hisirdoux, as the two stared for more than an hour.

"Douxie, promise me you will be by my side no matter the cost," She whsipered out. He nodded his head, looking into her blue eyes.

Marianna slowly crept into the windowsill of her bedroom, smiling at the thought of her and her new friend. She felt her cheeks rise warm-up at the feeling. Was this what they call a "lover"? She wasn't sure, but she wants to find out.

A/N: Hello! Please tell me how you like this! I know it's short but I'm trying. I have school, exams, and it's my last year of school so I'm trying my best to hurry and write as much as possible! Also tell me if I missed any spelling, punctuation, and if you guys have any ideas feel free to message me either on Instagram @eversann, or here on Wattpad! Bye!

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓   *Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now