Chapter One | Rain Puddles

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In hindsight, the whole idea was stupid. Wearing only black clothing while walking along the street in a rainstorm was not Karter's brightest moment.

Yet, he found himself wandering down one of the less populated roads of New York City. He needed to clear his head and being outside at night did just the job. Even if his paranoia crept up on him every time he turned down a less lit road. The only downside was the chilly temperatures-and the rain that was slowly soaking his clothes.

He was going to be starting his second year of college in less than a week. He still wasn't sure how that happened. Like a lot of things in his life, he was shocked he wasn't dead yet and had made it this far in his twenty years of life.

He smiled to himself as he hummed the song that was currently playing on repeat in his head. Like a never-ending loop of the same line or two over and over, driving any sane person mad.

The rain created puddles on the ground as it pelted down the lonely street. Karter being the wise adult he was, started jumping in them seeing how much of a splash he could create. Sure, it was childish and definitely a dumb idea, but as the water splashed up to his knees, soaking his shoes he didn't really care about anything. Not even the lecture he'd no doubt get from his cousin when he got home.

It quickly became a game as he ran down the street, eyes on the ground picking only the best quality puddles that he could manage to find. To his knowledge, he was far enough to the sidewalk, out of the way of any oncoming vehicles.

His knowledge was wrong.

Before he could jump into the next puddle he noticed the lights that reflected in the small pool of water he was just about to jump into-he looked up to see a car barely stop before him. For a moment he was frozen in place as he stared down at the car an inch away from him, thinking it was a nice shade of purple.

He blinked the rain out of his eyes and realized the car hadn't hit him. He also realized he was in the middle of the street and not the sidewalk as he had thought. That didn't stop him from yelling at the person in the fancy purple car, the car he undeniably would not be able to pronounce the name of.

"What the fuck dude!"

"Cazzo!" The dude cursed, getting out of his vehicle. "Are you okay? What the hell are you doing in the middle of the road?! I couldn't even see you." The man that stepped out was a good four inches taller than Karter, making the shorter of the two look up at him slightly.

Karter didn't know what to do as he walked over closer to him looking Karter up and down making sure the boy was okay.

Karter did his best to compose himself in front of the man and not look like a total pushover. He was definitely attractive in all the right places.

No, shut up. This is not the time, this asshat just tried to hit you!

It was more difficult when the man started to talk. Karter liked the sound of his deep voice a bit more than he would have liked to admit.

"Are you okay? You're shivering." His soothing voice hadn't registered in Karter's head. He stood and watched the man brush his short hair away from his face as the rain started to soak his suit.

"Here." The man offered out the dark suit jacket to him. It was then Karter realized he was only dressed in his usual t-shirt and jeans. The cold autumn air didn't help with the rain covered clothes, again not the smartest moment.

Karter took the jacket, pulling it over his shoulders.

"Is there a reason you were in the middle of the street?" The guy asked as Karter did his best not to stare at the tight button-up that clung to every muscle the guy had.

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