Chapter Thirty-Six | Wait, what?

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It seemed like days until Karter woke up again, though he was sure it had only been a few hours. It was like when he was a kid and he went to take a nap later in the day, maybe before dinner or something. He'd fall asleep and wake up unable to remember what time zone or world he was in, even though it was only fifteen minutes later.

That's how he felt.

He was cold, confused, and for whatever reason felt both ashamed and joyful. When he remembered Ember was beside him, her hands and feet bound like his were, Karter realized why he felt like he did.

She was the person that the kidnappers were talking to. Oh, and that she knew he was the mystery person her dad was having sex with, there was that.

"At least I found you," Karter muttered out. It sounded like he was sick or had downed some strong drink right before he started talking.

She looked at him with a confused expression and Karter thought for a moment he had something on his face. Then he realized that was stupid, he figured he'd explain a bit of what he meant instead.

"Holl's couldn't find you all day and we all kinda went looking for you," Karter spoke slowly. It was like he was remembering what all happened as he said it.

Ember turned in her chair creating a loud screeching sound. Karter didn't think she would be that mad at him, but then he looked over to her, she was moving her hands.

That's when the realization hit him.

The locks on her wrists created marks along the area as she moved her hands. Karter watched her sign slowly and one letter at a time. Her hands were bound in a way it was difficult for her to do anything let alone do more than the alphabet.

'Why are you here?'

Karter figured there was no reason to lie but he didn't want to say everything if there were cameras or something else in the room with them. What if the kidnappers were listening and he told them something they wanted to know. There was no way he was going to make this easy on them.

"I went looking for you at work after I left Ry-campus." Karter cursed his mouth for slipping up, there was no way she didn't hear it and they both knew it.

'Stop lying, it is important. I already knew.'

Karter was silent, he didn't know what to say. Now didn't seem like the time to tell her he fell in love with her dad-she knew?! How much did she know and why was the thought making Karter dizzy again.

"You knew?!"

'No, but I connected the dots. Thought it was just a crush at first. Not the time we need to-'

Both to Karter's luck and horror, the door opened again followed by screeching. "You are such a dumbass. I said get a picture of them both, what moron accidentally uses the front camera?!"

Without thinking, Karter looked the woman in the eyes. She was most likely younger than what she looked and even with the somewhat nice clothes she had on, rather than looking classy she looked desperate.

"Well, I assume you or the jackass behind you," Karter answered, not being able to stop himself. Some days it felt like his mouth had a mind of its own.

When the woman walked closer she had some of Ember's facial features and without a doubt was her mother. Though the disgusted look and frown lines were all the woman's own doing.

"I see he hasn't gotten better with his taste in men," she scoffed.

"Oh because his taste in women was fucking great," Karter exclaimed right back.

That was more of a thought that decided to vocalize itself.

Out of the corner of his eyes he watched as Ember signed again. She was moving her hands faster this time. The fact that Karter was the translator made the situation turn from bad to worse.

Though he decided to just wing it and asked the crazy woman in front of him what Ember signed. Turning his attention back to the bitter whore and watched her raise a brow at him. It was like Karter was the gum that she stepped in-with her fake red bottom heels.

Karter wanted to say: It's not designer if you paint them yourself. However, he bit his tongue.

"You know if I didn't know any better, you were making a mistake by taking us here. Why is that exactly?" he questioned. Karter matched her bitch face as he made eye contact.

He forgot she had his phone in her hand. He wasn't sure how she unlocked it. Karter's passcode was his favorite fictional character's birth year and age, not really something random or guessable. Either way, the flash of the light momentarily blinded him before he heard the sound of a text being sent and that was that.

The sound gave him a bit of hope, they had service. They couldn't have been that far away from civilization.

"Money my dears, why else would I bother. I lucked out though, not only did I get one but two of Ryan's most importantly loved people in his life." She spoke as if everything she did were a chore and she most definitely did not want to be bothered.

"What?" Karter questioned Ember, only understanding half of what she was signing. But the woman must have thought it was directed to her instead, so Karter cut her off.

"I said-" she tried.

"Not everything is about you, Mayor of Bitchville!" He yelled.

'Ask how much she wants for us?' Ember signed slower this time.

Karter hesitated, he didn't really want to know how much they were worth to her, something about that just did not seem like it would be good for his self-esteem.

"How much are you even getting by doing this, I mean it can't be worth the effort." He played it cool or as cool as he could considering he was tied to a chair that she or her minion found in the dump.

She chuckled. It was as if she was on a high horse and not coming down anytime soon. "Thirty million dollars is worth the effort. At least it is for now," she muttered.

Karter's mouth nearly dropped open and he wanted to ask if she was crazy, but he knew that answer already. It was kinda shocking considering he didn't have any more than ten bucks in his wallet and he left that at Ryan's apartment.

'I'll pay it if she lets us go,' Ember signed quickly, barely getting Karter's attention back. At first, the sign didn't register but when he realized it he couldn't help but yell in response.

"No way are you giving that skank any money," he stated matter of factly.

At this point, he didn't care if it would get them out of here quicker or why Ember had so much money at hand. He was not going to let these people win.

The woman walked over to him, her face smiling, yet her eyes were dead. She backhanded him in the face.

Just as quickly did she appear, did she leave the room. Karter couldn't help but think back to how when he woke up that morning or yesterday-for all he knew-that his day was going to suck more than his family issues. But now sitting in a gross-ass chair with pain written on his face, those things didn't seem so important.

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