Chapter Nineteen | That's Kinda Gay

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"How much more?" Karter whined.

"It's not much farther. Stop complaining," Ryan demanded.

The two were walking along the small path in the woods. The bright colors of the leaves made up for the gloomy day. It was excellent weather for an evening walk before the sun disappeared.

Ryan knew Karter disliked anything that involved physical effort-well, most things that involved physical effort.

However, the view was well worth the short walk uphill. Pushing past the bushy pine tree Ryan looked around the familiar park. He took Karter's hand and helped him up the last rocky step as the boy complained.

"About fucking time, I think my legs are going to give out," Karter breathed in deeply. It was amusing how a short walk could tire someone out so quickly, Ryan couldn't help but think.

"It's not funny," Karter muttered, clearly seeing his boyfriend's amused expression. "I nearly didn't make it."

"Ah, yes it's not like you actually did make it up here or anything," Ryan chuckled. He walked to one of the benches to rest a bit and enjoy the view in front of him.

The buildings in the distance and the combination of the autumn leaves created such a beautiful image. It was almost unrealistic to see such a gorgeous view, however, that's partly why he loved the place. It was his own hidden paradise.

There were never too many people around the area and Ryan didn't think too many people had even heard of the place.

Karter sat next to him resting half his body on Ryan like he was his personal body pillow. They sat in a comfortable silence as they watched the scenery and the few people that walked by.

"I think she's into me," Karter muttered, turning to look up at Ryan.

Ryan turned to look at the woman he was talking about, she glanced their way and Ryan gave her a kind smile before looking back at Karter.

"She's eighty and you're very much gay."

Karter scoffed and acted as if he just said the most shocking thing imaginable. Ryan knew damn well Karter could be very dramatic sometimes.

"I could be into the lady parts, plus you're like fifty-eight so I mean."

Ryan glared at him.

"I'm thirty-seven and you cringe when someone even so much as mentions any words like vag-" Karter cut him off by placing his hand over his mouth.

"You dare say that word I will push you off this mountain."

Ryan pushed his hand away and raised a brow at the boy. "Total lady's man," he chuckled.

Karter didn't find it as amusing as his boyfriend did but nonetheless, he stopped glaring in Ryan's direction and relaxed after a while.

The sun decided to make a small appearance to create a pink and orange sunset. The gloomy clouds created odd shapes all different to one's eyes. It looked like a painting or a picture a photographer edited for their resume.

Karter was now resting on the ground, sitting as a child in preschool would. His head was resting on Ryan's knee. He looked so peaceful, his eyes closed, his black hair brushing his face every once in a while. It almost made Ryan forget about the other gift he got him while shopping with Carmon.

Ryan normally wasn't much of a gift buyer, in fact, a lot of times he was horrible at buying people things. "Hey, keep your eyes closed and hold out your hands," Ryan muttered to him.

After a moment and a skeptical look written on his face, Karter finally put his hands out in front of him. Ryan looked in the pocket of his jeans and pulled out the small item. Placing the black choker into his hands.

"Open your eyes," Ryan spoke.

Karter studied the item for a moment and by the look on his face, he read the message written on the inside. There was also an engraving Ryan added at the clasp, a simple Cancer sign.

Of all the things Karter could have said the first one that came to him was: "How did you even know my birthday?"

"What, you don't think I have my people for that?" Ryan faked being shocked.

"Creep," Karter laughed and without hesitation, he put it around his neck.

He got up with a devilish smile before he got up and straddled Ryan's lap before he leaned in for a kiss. Karter tasted like cigarettes or sugar half of the time, however, Ryan didn't seem to mind.

Karter placed his hand on the hem of Ryan's shirt teasingly as if any minute he would pull it over his head.

He didn't, but that didn't mean the thought hadn't occurred to him. Once he had his fun he pulled away.

"Can we stop by the store on the way back to your apartment? I kinda want cookies," Karter murmured. He almost acted surprised by his own question.

"Sure, Amore mio." Ryan happily agreed.

The walk down the path was much easier, however, the darkening sky didn't help with the tree branches that would sometimes whack them in the arms, chest, face, or the occasional low hanging branch. Those were always the worst.

Once they made it back to the car Karter was humming one of his favorite songs-or at the very least it was a song he would play on repeat when given the chance.

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