Order Of Phoenix

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"He is back, Voldemort is back " Harry explained what the imposter was doing and how he and Cedric ended up in the grave yard, what happened there.

"NOO", Lia cried.., "You are lying,.. Ced can't be.., he didn't,.. you are mistaken Harry, he must be injured..  he didn't.., he can't,.. where is he?  He must be here. Just tell me Harry is mistaken, Cedric is fine " she begged the people around her to say Harry's words are not true, but no one answered.

Severus just shook his head, in a way only she could notice, telling it is not a lie. That hit her like a lightening. She couldn't even say the word dead along with his name and that was the truth.

Minerva sat next to her consoling, as others filled in the details. Barty Crouch Jr, his confession, dementor kiss, Fudge and the ministry's reaction.

As the ministry chose to be blind, Albus was devicing new plans. He was busy assigning missions to each, Lia was the one least interested in that, she was not able to come out of the shock of her best friend's death.

Albus revealed the truth of Sirius before all and asked Severus and Sirius to work alongside.

" Severus you know what to do", Albus said to him at last and without a word Severus left to meet the darklord.

As one by one left the infirmary by Albus orders, it was only Lia, the twins and the trio and an unconscious Moody inside the room.

Pomfrey asked them to get some sleep before she walked out. Lia tried, but it looks like the sleep had decided not to disturb her. She spent the night shifting uncomfortably in the bed. She layed on the hospital bed for hours which felt like years. There was nothing but fear in her mind.

Voldemort has returned, and he just took away one of the most important person in my life...
Cedric... He don't deserve that.. Why should life be so unfair?...........Will he go to my parents....I lost my family once because of him... I don't want to lose again....Severus ..where did he go? Is he fine?..... Voldemort won't hurt Severus will he... No.. Severus where are you.. I want to see you..

Her heart was pounding mercilessly.The hospital bed felt like a torture. She got out of her bed, without bothering to disturb Pomfrey she headed to the dungeons. It was 4 in the morning and the dungeons were cold and deserted.

As she was about to turn towards the common room she saw drops of blood on the dungeon floor, she looked behind to see the blood over the way she walked in. And on the wall there was mark of a hand, formed of blood, like the person was dragging himself with the support of the wall.

A fear was brewing in her heart as they led towards a familiar direction. And all those proved true as she saw the black shadow leaning against the wall, blood dripping from his robes

"SEVERUS " she ran to support his weak form.

Severus had returned to the darklord under Dumbledore's orders. He failed to report when the darklord summoned him which made him face the fury of the darklord. His loyalty was questioned, it was not easy to make the darklord believe him, he still was not sure if he was successful in earning his trust back. He was the entertainment for the deatheater reunion tonight. All the others applauded, some enjoyed, some in fear, as the darklord cruciated him continuously and kept practicing any curse that crossed his mind on him and he could do nothing but grunt in the excruciating pain and beg for forgiveness (not willingly).

As he apparated back to the castle, he thought he can handle his injuries. He don't want anyone to see him like this. But as he reached the dungeons he understood that he miscalculated the severeness. He was not able to stand on his own, his wand hand trembling that he couldn't even hold it properly. He was so close to his office, he will have healing potions there, with all energy he could muster, he dragged himself towards his office.

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