I Lost Her

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"Natalia " he looked up at her. There was no chance he will let someone take her away from him. He couldn't see the person who attacked him, but whoever it was he won't let them take her away from him even if it was the darklord himself.

He quickly got up firing spells at the direction, a figure came closer defending his spells, trying to keep him away from the body. He was surprised as the person defended every spell he threw like the person know his moves better than himself.

Slowly a woman's figure walked into the clearing, moonlight shined on her face revealing it to him, he was shocked for a second and he forgot to defend himself.

"Flipendo", her spell made him fall again hard, and followed by her next spell which conjured ropes around him arresting his movements. He looked up at the figure in disbelief and to the lifeless body before him "Natalia.. " he whispered in confusion

It was Natalia, how was that possible. He thought he was losing his mind, he was imagining things in the shock, but no, it was his Natalia, he looked at the ground, there was her lifeless body and again at the woman, the same face.

He saw her kneeling besides her own dead form, tears rolling down her cheeks, as an answer to all his confusion her cry reverberated in the woods..



"Willi.. " William covered her mouth and dragged her to a nearby bush

"We will have to part ways from here to get out of here .......I have an idea" he whispered into her ears.

Before she could ask what his plan was his wand turned to her and she felt herself falling as the darkness crept her eyes.

"I am sorry Lia, I should do this. This was my mistake and I won't let anything happen to you", she heard his voice before she completely lost her consciousness .

"DEAD.. ", a loud shriek brought her back to consciousness, "SHE IS DEAD" the voice came again making her jump.

Coming back to consciouness she realised she was lying on the ground, under a disillusionment charm covered by dry leaves and twigs in the bush William pulled her into.

Quickly getting up she removed the charm, she was not in her clothes, but William's, her shoes were absent instead his were there on her small foot. An empty potion bottle was on the ground, it made her heart race,

"No.. It can't be ", praying it shouldn't be what she think she brought it to her nose.. "Polyjuice ..." , polyjuice potion which they used when they had to merge into the crowd... "William.. ", she ran out of the bush

His big shoes made her trip, she fell on her face, taking them off she stuffed it into her small bag, bare footed she ran to the direction she felt the voice came, she couldn't care about the thorns or sharp stones piercing her foot, all she cared for was about William.

Dead.. That voice echoed in her mind, she had no doubt that ruthless voice belong to Bellatrix and that means it was not good, not at all.

There was pop sounds, sounds of people apparating, she ran to the direction, hoping nothing bad would have happened, making footprints of blood all along her way. She was running towards a clearing. She saw the moonlight shining to the area.

A dark figure which she immediately recognised was Severus, "Severus" she called in hope, but soon her happiness turned into deep pain as she saw the body he was lifting from the ground.
It was.. her body.. No.. It was William in her form, pale, bleeding.

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