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A/N- ok so once again i've found something else to obsess over and forget about in two months. So The Bfs name in this story will be Keith and Im gonna Call the Gf GG for now. I barely see any Pico x reader stories or any good ones anyway so hopefully this will be Ok:) the reader will be 19, Pico 20, Keith and GG are also 19. This story may contain profanity, triggering subjects such as abuse, school shootings etc., sexual content and yeah. I hope you guys enjo

Third POV

"If you don't visit us I swear (Y/n)-" Your roommates said as you packed the last few of your belongings in the car. 

"I promise you I will! Im gonna miss you guys so much" You said as you crossed your arms.

           Truth be told you were beyond excited. You finally saved up enough to move back to your home town. You were able to find a cute little apartment and couldn't pass up the opportunity. After a few more exchanges of words you got into your car and drove off. You were smiling to yourself, you'd be able to see your childhood friend GG again. Before you moved to (T/N) You and GG had always been extremely close friends. Well, still are, since you guys facetimed and texted all the time. When she told you about the apartment you knew you couldn't pass it up and she was ecstatic to here you were moving back home. 

        You both would tell each other about your friends and you couldn't deny you were nervous. She was excited to introduce you to her boyfriend Keith and friend Pico. She also said they had a surprise down by the train tracks which you were excited about. You were about 20 minutes away from your new home when you heard your phone ring.


          Kieth and Pico exchanged confused glances as they watched GG hop down from the speaker to quickly grab her phone and make a call. The excitement on her face was clear as she tried to stop her self from hopping up and down. 

"Hey uh, babe what's-" Kieth started,

"SHHHHHHH" GG shushed him while shooing him away with her hand as the mystery person on the other line finally answered

Pico chuckled as Kieth gave GG a look.  

"AHHH (Y/N) how far are you now???" GG squealed into her phone

        "Hey GG! I think I'm about 20 minutes away? You're gonna help me unpack right?' You giggled into the phone, almost unable to contain your excitement. You were able to pack pretty lightly, as GG and her family decided to buy you a bed, couch, tv, basically any furnature that couldn't fit into your car they handled. Her parents loved you just as much as GG did after all. Eh maybe a little more.

       "Uh yes of course what type of friend would I be? We're gonna spend the ENTIRE day catching up!" 

      "I can't wait! I really have to focus on driving though so I'll talk to you when I get there. Love ya." You and GG hung up

      GG hung up the phone and turned to Keith and Pico, "Sorry babe what were you gonna ask me?" She asked sweetly

       Keith laughed lightly, "Was that the (Y/N) chick you were telling us about?" The blue haired boy asked while fixing his hat.

         GG smiled and got an excited look in her eye, "Yes! Im so excited for you guys to meet her I know you two will love her! Especially you Pico!" She winked at the ginger boy who turned to her and scoffed.

       "What do ya me 'especially me'?" Pico went slightly red in the face but of course he wouldn't admit he was nervous to meet GG mysterious friend who he's never even seen a picture of. 

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