Picos School Pt.3

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A/n: guysss omg week 7 goes hard asf. anyway here's part three:) I'm actually taking a suggestion from someone who commented so this should be fun:). I'm trying not to make everything move too fast in this story but in all honesty, I didn't expect to get so many views on it. Thank you guys so so much for like 30k it's so crazy! Also ill be making a one-shot book soon I'll be including all the FNF characters and some mods:)

     Picos Pov-

As I heard Keith yell my name I turned my head to him, he had his arms crossed and held an angry expression on his face. I furrowed my brows, confused as to what he could be angry about. That's when I realized (y/n) wasn't with Keith or GG. In fact, I didn't see her with anyone. 

Keith's voice once again interrupted my thoughts as he grabbed my upper arm and said "We need to talk." 

He started dragging me away from Nene and Darnell. And I gotta admit I was a little freaked out... Keith rarely gets this mad at anyone let alone me. 

Third Person Pov-

Pico was looking around as Kieth dragged him to a spot where they could talk alone. "Dude where the hell is (Y/N) she never leaves without-"

"Pico! She left cause Nene was being a bitch to her!" Kieth raised his voice a little bit trying not to catch anyone's attention. 

Pico looked at him with confusion, but he wasn't doubting it. Nene always loved to put people through well... trials. She sometimes doesn't know how far she can take things and well today was definitely one of those days.

"Wait.. what?" Pico asked again for clarification.

Kieth sighed and put a hand to his forehead. "Nene was saying shit trying to make it seem like you and she had some sort of romantic history, then told her to back off cause you don't want anything to do with her besides sex."

Pico's eyes widened before guilt hit him like a train. "Wait but she didn't actually believe her right? I- she has to know I like her! She knows I want something with her.. right?" Pico was starting to get frantic as he felt his eyes swell up with tears, and his throat burned from trying to keep his voice from breaking.

After seeing Pico near his breaking point Keith softened his face but kept his arms crossed. He spoke softly to Pico. "Look dude, I don't know. But you can't really blame her if she did believe it. I mean after you two made out at GG's place you never talked to her about wanting more with her. But I think now is a pretty good time. She was really upset when she called us.."

Pico wiped his eyes, not wanting his friend to see him cry. 'Wait, where is she now..?"His sadness was now completely taken over by worry. Cassandra was still out there, after Pico. There was no way she wouldn't try to go after (y/N) too. He knew he needed to protect her. 

But still, he got worried when Keith didn't answer fast enough and grabbed his shoulders "Dude it's seriously not safe for her to be alone right now where is she?!" Pico's voice started getting louder, drawing some attention. 

Keith shushed him and said "Pico chill out man! She home she called me and GG she got home safe."

Pico sighed in relief, "I'll go talk to her now-"

Keith cut him off, "It's fine me and GG talked to her for a bit, what I want you to do is go talk to your friends and explain to Nene what she caused." Keith's voice was demanding but Pico knew that was probably the best course of action. 

Pico hung his head low, as he walked back to his friends.

"fuck.. I'm so sorry y/n"

Y/N Pov

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