Pico's School Pt. 2

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~Picos Pov~

I drove to the address Nene and Darnell Gave me, The whole time I was filled with worry. How did Cassandra get out of jail? Did she break out? Was she released? I had a lot of thoughts clouding my mind. Most of them causing me paranoia beyond belief. I gripped the steering wheel as my knuckles turned white. 'You know you're gonna have to tell (y/n) about what went down at your school sooner or later right?' I nodded to myself. She deserved to know. I trusted her, she was one of the most important people in my life now. and Maybe by telling her everything i'd be able to keep her safe.

My attention snapped back to reality when I pulled into the lot Nene and Darnell instructed me to. And there the both of them stood, Nene turned and sent an energy filled wave my way as Darnell turned around and smiled as he saw my car roll up. "Well damn long time no see Pico." Darnell pulled me into a hug as Nene waited for her turn.
"How've you two been? Might as well catch up with each other before we have to talk about Cassandra" I said smiling at my two friends.
Nenes smile faltered a bit, a sign that she was just as worried about this situation as I was. "Yeah I'd rather talk about the good stuff before getting into the shit hole of school again." she rolled her eyes.
"Well how bout we hang back at my place until later tonight, i'll bring u guys down to the tracks where me and my friends usually chill."
Darnell nodded and Nene got a gleam in her eye, "Ooooo are these the little rap battles you said that you and your friends do? oh oh oh didn't you say there was a new person you guys met you gotta catch me up on everything." Nene bombarded me with question and ran off to my car, yelling her claim to the front seat before me and Darnell could ever turn around. Me and Darnell laughed a bit before i felt my phone vibrate, when I went to pick it up I saw (Y/N)s contact name. Which i embarrassingly put as "y/n<3". I quickly tried to shove my phone back in my pocket when Darnell whistled and nudged my shoulder. "Woahhh man, (Y/n) with a heart, when we're you gonna tell us you had a girl?" He said smirking.
I felt a small pang in my heart she wasn't my girlfriend. Not yet.. hopefully soon. as much as I wanted her to be right now I knew I couldn't. I couldn't put her in that situation of having to love someone like me. Someone whose killed, threaten, beat people. Someone who still wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares like a little kid. Being with me would be too much of a burden on her, and I couldn't stand to see her frustrated dealing with me.
and then hating me.
but of course i couldn't say all that to Darnell, so i just said oh so elegantly, "she ain't my girlfriend fuck face."
Darnell snickered and rolled his eyes, "sure man, let's go back to your crib, nenes prolly fucking with your radio channels right now."

Timeskip~~ first PoV
i sighed and threw my phone back down. This is the third time Pico declined my call, and i was starting to get worried. I couldn't help but think he might be ignoring me? maybe he's mad? I layed down on my bed and scrolled through social media trying to take my mind off the current situation.
I couldn't help but feel a little nervous, tonight i'd be meeting Picos old friends and we'll it was nerve wracking. I've heard something's about their old school, and how Pico, Nene and Darnell got into a lot of fights. I was scared they wouldn't like me.
I decided to kill some time by binge watching (F/S) until i had to get ready for tonight. GG would be picking me up and I'd walk home with Pico, that's always what happened on friday nights anyway.
I started zoning out when i thought more about Pico, the past few weeks when we walked home togetjer he'd be more quiet. he always looked flustered. But we never talked about what happened in GGs room. We never discussed an 'us' and well that hurt. a lot.
A few times i sat in my bed with my finger hovering over the download button on tinder. but i have a small spark of hope. I knew i wouldn't ever feel as committed to someone as I do with Pico right now.
I finished putting on the rest of my makeup as I looked in the mirror. I fiddled with my hands anxiously as I took my phone out ready to call GG. I stepped outside the apartment and waiting for her car to pull up. the night air brushed my hair out of my cash gently, and i let out a sigh. Finding a slight comfort in the pain of anxiety i was feeling in my chest.
I found myself look left and right as i thought I felt eyes on me. This feeling only grew until i saw the familiar headlights of a certain brunettes car. With a breathe of relief, i ran to get in her car.
~??? Pov~
With my hands fiddling with the gun in my pants pocket I looked at the (H/c) girl waiting outside her complex. after getting myself out of my "situation" I tried to find out everything I could about Pico. Him and his friends ruined. my. life. and I was gonna ruin his. Starting with the girl he's been getting too close with. I had to admit she was pretty. I would have gone for her myself if I wasn't so focused on making Picos life hell.
I noticed her start to fidget and look around. She was getting paranoid, I nearly laughed and I pulled out the gun. I was ready to walk up to her when I saw headlights, and the girl run towards the car. fucking hell. i lost her again...
I leaned against the wall of the alleyway which has a bar on the right side of it. I walked out of the alleyway and pulled up my hood, concealing my identity as much as I could.
When I walked into the bar it was busy, a ton of people and drunken friends huddled together in a deafeningly loud frenzy. I was about to walk up to the bar when I took a glance at the TV
In bold letters, the title read "School Terrorist Cassandra Escapes Prison."
My eyes widen and I quickly leave the bar.
Well shit. Now that my face is on the news, I guess I have to be careful.
~Picos Pov~
Me, Nene and Darnell arrived at the train tracks before anyone else, we all leaned against the speaker  and decided to make a plan about Cassandra.
"Dude what if she shows up here. Tonight." Darnell said pacing back and forth.
Me, Darnell and Nene all had weapons on us. I wasn't worried about getting hurt. Not one bit.
But my mind wandered to the thought of (y/n) getting shot. Just like the kids in our old school. The images of their bodies invaded my mind and my hands shook at the thought of (y/n) taking their place.
"Pico!" Nene's voice snapped me out of my trance. "Dude are you ok?"
I took a deep breathe and nodded, there was no way i was gonna admit I was anxious.
"Guys I dont think she'd show up somewhere this crowded, police are already looking for her she's prolly laying low," Nene and Darnell nodded at my logic, agreeing with me. "I think for tonight we should just have a good time, ight?"
We all talked and laughed for a while and more and more people came in. I introduced them to Keith and Keith of corse told them about GG and Y/N.
"Oh and so Pico and Y/n totally have a thing for each other and they kissed!-" Keith stopped rambling when I punched his arm and gave him a look.
Darnell and Nene's eyes widened as Darnell started laughing and said "I knew it man! Why the fuck aren't y'all dating yet?"
I rolled my eyes and said "i'm planning on it, i just don't know when." I looked to the ground and then back up, I noticed Nene had a look on her face. She looked disappointed but still had a smile on her face none the less.
She spoke up, "Well i think she'd be lucky to have you, you should ask before she tries to move on yknow.." she looked a little lost, I wonder what was wrong.
~Nene's Pov~
As I listened to him talk about this girl I couldn't help but feel jealous. I had feelings for the ginger boy for a little while, and I wanted him to be happy. But I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I guess I'll just have to meet this girl. and just see if she can deal with her own jealousy.
You and GG walk up to the tracks as you vent about your anxiety towards the situation. "Listen babes, I swear it'll be fine. Picos Pico, he likes you a lot and i'm sure his friends will too." She looks at you with a smile. As you approach you see the familiar electric blue hair of Keith. He runs up to you guys and gives GG a kiss and you guys do a little handshake you came up with.
"Picos chilling with his friends if you wanna go introduce yourself (Y/n)!" Keith said with his arm around GG.
You froze for a minute looking at GG with pleading eyes, she nodded at you and said "Hey I think I wanna go introduce myself too, if you don't mind babe." she said with a smile
"Oh yeah you two have fun, I think im gonna try to convince your dad to like me some more." He joked and left. You smiled, happy to see he was more confident in talking with her parents.
GG linked her arms with yours and said to you, "Just remember me and you own this fucking place ok. Just be confident, let them know who you are."
You nodded and kept your head up high, masking the anxiety you felt.
When you and GG got to where Pico and his friends were you could see GG's face twist into slight irritation, and your chest ache.
You saw his friend Darnell sitting across from him, and a girl in a Pino dress who you assumed was Nene sitting very close next to Pico.
Too close for your liking.
Her head was on his fucking shoulder.
Picos eyes met with yours and you saw him smile as seemed to be, relieved?
"Hey (y/n)! Do i get a hug??" He said holding his arms out.
The ache you felt left for a second as your heart fluttered. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he hugged your waist and nearly picked you up. When he finally put you down your eyes locked and you could've kissed him right there.
"You didn't answer my calls." You said with a teasingly angered tone of voice
He chuckled lightly, "I'm sorry babe I got caught up with them and-" He paused as he caught what he said
He called you babe. Oh my god.
Both of your faces grew red as you started to smile a little bit, "Well do you think they'll like me?" you asked shyly.
Pico could sense how nervous you were, and gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, "who wouldn't?"
Pico introduced you to Darnell and Nene, you put on a smile when you shook nenes hand to mask the jealously you felt. GG could almost read your mind as she whispered to you, "Someone's a little jealous." you turned to say something when she cut you off, "I can't blame you, he looked annoyed with how she was acting too." you giggled a little bit and then turned to cheer on Pico. Right when you were gonna yell out his name someone beat you too it.
"Pico come here!" Nene yelled.
When Pico heard her he came running and asked her what was up. She ruffled his hair and said good luck.
You let out a huff of annoyance as you crossed your arms. You decided to just let it go though. You understood they were really good friends and you trusted Pico.
You decided to try to have a conversation with her instead of getting angry.
"Hey Nene right?" You asked.
The girl looked at you and nodded, "You know Pico was right, you're really pretty." She smiled at you, and then said "me and him are pretty good friends he usually tells me everything but he never told us about you."
You felt a slight irritation slide through you as she said that. "Oh..well Picos told me a lot about you guys. I was excited to meet you." I said looking at my feet.
You two made small talk for a little bit, until she said "I think he used to have a crush on me in high school, haha i'm not sure tho." you felt your heart ache more and more at her words. You honestly wanted nothing more than to go home.
When Pico was finally done battling with Keith you could hear people cheering, as you started to cheer you saw Nene run up to pico and.
Hug him.
Just like you always do to him when he finishes his raps.
And the worst part was that he hugged her back, and looked happy.
You could feel your eyes start to water as you tried to push them down.
You went up to them and right when you were going to say something to Pico Nene went up to you before you could even reach him, "Cant you stay away from him for five minutes, I don't think he likes clingy girls, I should know. I don't think you should keep flattering yourself. Pico probably sees you as an easy lay." You gave her a glare, and for a girl who always carries weapons you were surprised to see her shrink a little bit. You could feel a burning sensation rise in your throat as you were trying not to cry. You thought about going up to Pico but you knew that if you did youd break.
You turned on your heel and walked as fast as you could out of the train tracks and just to your apartment. You tried to be as stealthy as you could since you didn't want anyone to see you. You just wanted to be alone. However as you exited the place and began your walk home, two voices called your name.
You turned behind you and saw... the two spooky boys. "Y/N!!!"
You wiped some stray tears from your face and tried to put on a smile for the two young boys. they both came up on either of your sides and one of each grabbed your hand.
"Why are you leaving?"
"Yeah it's not over yet!"
Both the boys started asking question but then saw your sad face and shut up quickly, "I'm just not feeling well boys.."
"oh.. well in that case well walk you home!" Pump said happily and dragged you along with skid.
You thought it was quite sweet of them to insist on walking you home to make sure you were safe, but you couldn't help but worry about the two kids walking home by themselves.
You looked at the two energetic kids and realized how lucky you were to be able to cry and not be judged and for them to actually be concerned for you, and try to cheer you up.
When you reached the door of your apartment you said "Do you boys need a ride home or something? I'm a little worried about you guys.." The two boys shook their heads and said "No our lemon friend helps us back! Well see you later Y/N" they both ran off.
As you opened the door to your apartment you got undressed. and let the wave of emotions crash into you. crying into your pillow. You kept asking yourself if Nene was right.. What if he didn't want anything other than sex..
You pulled out your phone and called keith. Hoping he would answer and sure enough he did.
~Keith Pov~
GG came up to me and told me she couldn't find (Y/N) anywhere and got super nervous. I looked over at Pico and noticed he was probably too caught up in his friends to notice. Right as we began Looking I got a face time call from (Y/N) Of course I answered it right away and pulled GG towards me so that she could see. When i answered I saw a red face teary (Y/N) crying. GG's eyes widened as she said. "(Y/N) what happened? Are you ok?"
"Guys.. Nene.. She said..." And (y/n) told us everything she said to her that night. My eyes widened as I glanced towards Pico and his friends. I soon felt anger rising in me. Anger towards Nene, but also Pico. For making Y/N wait for so long. For not trying to make her feel secure. for being too anxious. Me and GG gave Y/N some reassurance and hung up, telling her we'd call her right back.
We both looked at eachother and nodded as we stormed up to Pico.
"PICO!!!" I yelled to him.
The ginger and his friends snapped their heads toward me, a confused look in his eyes as he saw my angry expression. "We need to talk.."

A/N: HEY GUYS!!! This took forever:( i am so so so sorry. I hope this is good for now.

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