Your Sweater?

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Hey guys! So sorry it took me a little longer than expected to get this chapter out. Hopefully it's good I'm still trying to decide what to do with the story line, if u guys have any ideas or request let me know:)

As you went inside your apartment you threw your stuff on your bed and stripped to get in your pajamas for the night. you saw your phone buzz and the screen light up, you rubbed your tired eyes and grabbed your phone, seeing it was from pico.

Pico: hey i just got home ill see you tmrw right?

you smiled at your phone, happy that he remembered to text you

you: omg yesss ofc im so excited to hang wit u guys tmrw

pico: good ur def apart of our group now ur gonna be seeing a lot of me lol, I'm hella tired so imma sleep now, goodnight dude

you: goodnight :)

you placed your phone on the nightstand and yawned. You felt all giddy and happy, like a high school girl who was just asked out by your crush. Earlier today you thought the ginger haired boy hated you, you found it funny how much his personality changed by the end of the day. Could he possibly like me..? no it's too soon, you shouldn't even have feelings for him yet.

You sighed, feeling conflicted. You decided to shut off all the lights and try to get some sleep.

----------Time Skip---------

You woke up to the sound of your phone vibrating. You groaned and groggily rolled over to answer it.

"Hello?" You asked, your voice low and scratchy due to just waking up.

"HEyYYYYY (Y/N)!!" You recognized the voice as Keiths and you could hear GG telling him to give her back her phone in the background. "Are you still coming with us to the mall today?" Kieth asked, his voice loud and cheery.

"Oh uh, yeah what time are we doing that again?" You asked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes while sitting up.

"Oh ummm were heading over to pick you up like right now." Said Keith nonchalontly.

"WHAT?!" you yelled quickly getting out of bed to get dressed.

"UM, WHAT? Dude its like already noooooon just hurry up we'll pick up Pico first so it'll give you some time to get dressed."

you groaned and quickly threw a baggy pair of jeans and a tight crop top on with a baggy sweatshirt over it. And quickly went to your bathroom to do your makeup. "Ugh ok just take your time please??" You begged and hung up.

You instantly felt awake, and excited to see your new friends. Well, mostly Pico but yeah all of them.

Keith Pov.

Keith hung up the phone and snorted. "She defintlely just woke up." he said while handing the phone back to GG and returning his focus to the road.

"Yeah she did always like sleeping til noon, so we're getting Pico first then right?" GG asked.

He gave a quick 'mhm' and then asked, "So do you think it's too soon to try and set them up?" Keith asked looking to his girlfriend.

"Eyes on the road babe, and honestly i'm not sure. He got along with her quickly. Like really quickly. But I still think they should get to know each other a little more first." She explained

Keith nodded his head in agreement, "But we're totally gonna ditch them so they can be alone right?" He asked.

"Oh totally." She agreed.

They pulled into Pico's place and honked the horn.

Pico Pov

When he head the car horn he hid his Uzi in his pants and went out the door, quickly hopping in the back seat of GG's car.

Bad Boy Huh- Pico x reader story FNFWhere stories live. Discover now