Daichi • little officer

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A/N: if u have the power to draw Daichi's son wearing Daichi's police uniform and hat.. Please I beg u, draw it. 🙇🏻‍♀

Also, please expect some cameos of different anime characters here haha.


It was bring your kid day on the Miyagi police station. This event happens every 6 months. The kids would dress up as their parent and work along side with them.

There are party games as well and of course there's food for the kids.

Daichi and Izuku wore matching police uniform. Izuku looks adorable on his little police uniform, hat and toy gun. (Daichi opposed to this idea but Izuku was throwing tantrums when Daichi doesn't want him to have a toy gun)

"Izuku, we're gonna patrol at the mall. Are you excited?" Daichi holds the toddler's tiny hand as they entered the mall.

Izuku caught everyone's attention. People were talking how cute he is in his police uniform and Daichi being the proud father he is, was smiling widely as he watch his son walks inside the mall.

The father and son continues to patrol around the mall. Izuku was skipping while singing his nursey rhymes.

"Looks like he's having fun." Daichi thought.

You on the other hand, was missing inside the mall. You came from Tokyo and this was your first time in Miyagi. You were supposed to meet with your friends at the squarebucks coffee but you couldn't find it.

You happen to saw Daichi who was patrolling around. You nervously approach him.

"Excuse me officer-" you started.

Daichi looks at you and smiles warmly.

"Oh wow that was a beautiful smile" you thought.

"How can I help you?" Daichi asked while exchanging looks between you and his son.

You were about to ask him your question when he stopped you. "Excuse me for a moment." He says while shyly scratching his nape.

"Izuku! Come here." Daichi calls for his son. The little boy runs back to his father and you were caught off guard.

"He has a kid?" You asked yourself.

"Ah, it's bring your kids day at the station so.." Daichi explains while gently ruffling Izuku's hair.

You smiled at Izuku who was looking at you shyly. "I see. How cute." You reached out to softly pinch Izuku's cheek.

"Anyways, how can we help you?" Daichi looks at you with a warm smile.

"Ah yes." You smiled one last time at Izuku before looking back at Daichi. "I was looking for the squarebucks coffee. You see, I'm from Tokyo and this is my first time here." You said.

"Oh, I see! Don't worry we'll help you find your destination. Right son?" Daichi looks down at Izuku. "We'll help them find their destination." Daichi added.

Izuku nodded cheerfully. "Yes! Let's help them!" Izuku did some little jumps of excitement before looking at you. "Please follow me." Izuku took your hand starts dragging you with him.

"Hey! Izuku! Wait!" Daichi follows behind them while chuckling.

"I'm sorry, he's so excited about this." Daichi explains. "No worries! Its very cute. Seeing kids bond with their parents at work." You replied.

Izuku was still holding your hand but he wasn't dragging you anymore. You were enjoying your time talking to Daichi and Izuku while walking. 

"So what brought you to Miyagi by the way?" Daichi asked while grabbing the other hand of Izuku.

Others would think that the three of you were a family. Its because the three of you looks so happy.

"Friends." You answer with a smile. "They are working here so I thought to pay them a visit." You added.

"I see. I hope you enjoy your time here." Daichi looks at you with his signature warm smile.

"Don't worry, I am enjoying it already." You replied while looking at Izuku who was humming happily while swinging both you and Daichi's arms.

The three of you finally reached your destination. "We're here." Daichi looks at the place before looking at you.

"Thank you officer--" you look on Daichi's name patch "officer Daichi Sawamura." You smiled at him before lending your hand for a quick shake.

Daichi softly holds your hand and shakes it gently. "My pleasure...." He looks at you, waiting for you to tell him your name.

"Oh, I'm Y/N." you replied.

"Y/N.." Daichi mumbles while he gently squeezed your hand. This small gesture of him made you blush a bit.

"By the way this is Izuku." Daichi pulls away his hand so he can introduce his son to you.

You knelt down on Izuku's level before taking his soft small hand and shakes it gently. "Thank you for helping me, officer Izuku." You smiled softly to the toddler making his eyes sparkle and his cheeks blushed.

"Y-your welcome!" Izuku shyly smiles back at you.

You stood up and look at Daichi again. "If ever I go back here again, I hope to find you guys again. Please give me a tour around Miyagi." You slightly bow to Daichi.

"Oh, sure! We'll be looking forward to it Y/N-san." Daichi bows as well and Izuku copied his father, bowing his little head to you.

You chuckle at Izuku's action and you ruffle his soft hair. "Alright, I'm going inside.. Bye Izuku, Bye Officer Daichi." You wave your hand while smiling as you walk away from them.

"Bye Y/N-san." Daichi smiles and waves back. "Bye Y/N-san!!" Izuku waves both of his hands while smiling widely.

Daichi waited until you could go inside and sit with your friends before he gently grabs Izuku's hand. "Alright little officer, let's go back on patrolling." Daichi smiled at his son before turning to look at you one last time.

I really hope to see you again, Y/N-kun.


A/N: officer Daichi in his tight uniform becos his tiddies are big 🥵

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