Chapter 4

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Even though Bloom did not necessarily like working out, she knew running would help clear Michelle's head. That's why she suggested it. Although, the more they were running, the more Bloom regretted it. 

"How long do you want to keep running for, aunt M?" "Longer than 3 minutes would be nice, B." Michelle responded. "3 minutes?! We have only been running for 3 minutes?! It feels like 3 hours!" "If you want, I can keep running and we'll meet back at your suite?" "No, no, it's fine. I can run for longer than 3 minutes."

And Bloom did. She ran a full 30 minutes. And it had nothing to do with the fact that they would see Sky train every time they ran their lap. Michelle, however, did think it had something to do with the tall blonde she ran into on her way out of Dowling's office an hour ago. "So that must be Sky." "Wait, what? How do you know that?" "Your reaction tells me everything I need to know, B. Don't worry, he was looking at you as well the whole time" Michelle said, while shooting a wink at her niece while walking back to the suite to change for dinner.

Little did she know that Sky was not looking at Bloom this time. He was completely distracted by the woman that's his father figure's soulmate and what he discussed about her with Dowling. They agreed that they would leave her be for the coming days, since Silva was out with a team going after the Burned Ones anyhow. He's scheduled to return on Wednesday, while Michelle would be planning to leave next Sunday. This would give her 2 days to adjust to the information Bloom gave her and 5 days for her to adjust to the news that she will not be leaving Otherworld, other than to collect her stuff from home. 

Silva would forgive them for not immediately informing him about the arrival of his soulmate if he hears the reasoning behind it. At least, that's what Sky and ms. Dowling hoped. They knew Saul was still hoping for a soulmate even though he gave up the search a while ago. Hopefully actually meeting her will put him in a forgiving mood. For now, Sky just had to keep an eye on her and keep her safe while her soulmate is away. 

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