Chapter 18

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Right before Michelle could storm out of the office Silva took her hand and turned her around. Michelle was now touching his chest and had to look up at him because of how close they were. He was a lot taller than her but that didn't stop her from screaming at him.

"Let me go, I'm getting my niece and we're getting the hell out of this godforsaken place." "Please, love, calm down. Nothing will happen to Bloom. She is perfectly safe here. The barrier will protect her from the Burned Ones. I swear to you, nothing will happen to her, alright?" Michelle contemplated his words. It didn't seem he was lying to her but she was still a bit afraid for her niece's safety. "Love, look at me. I promise you you're safe and Bloom is safe. As long as you stay here nothing will happen to you both. I will protect you and Bloom with my life. After all, you're my soulmate and one day Bloom will be my family as well."

Even though his words would have been creepy coming from anyone in her world, for some reason they made her feel safe and loved. The fact that this man was insinuating they were going to get married in the future didn't bother her at all. Secretly she was already fantasizing about their wedding. Not that she would ever admit that to anyone seeing as she just met the man.

Taking another deep breath she said "Okay fine, I'll stay here. But where will I be sleeping? I can't keep bunking with my niece and her friends." "I would really like it if you would come to stay at my place. I will of course take the couch so you can take the bed." "But what about all my stuff and my job?" "I'll have someone go get your stuff. Since you can't go back to California for a while I'm afraid you won't be able to keep your job." "But how am I going to pay for anything then?" "You won't have to pay for anything. I'll give you a card to my bank account and you can use that for everything you need." "I can't accept that" Michelle protested. "I insist, love. But if you really want to get a job we can of course look around in the Otherworld. What job did you have before?" "I worked as a legal counsel for a big movie company." "Wow, that's really impressive, love. I'm sure we can find you something here. For now, please just take my card and let me take care of you." "Okay, I guess, but I'll pay you back as soon as I find a job." "You really don't have to, love." "Now I'm the one that has to insist, Saul."

Saul. The way she said his name was amazing. He was so used to everyone calling him by his last name, he preferred it most times. But hearing her say his name like that made him feel special. Shaking the thoughts out of his head he felt her eyes on him. They were still standing extremely close to each other. Her hands on his chest and his hands on her wrist. If he leaned in now, he would be able to kiss her. There was nothing more that he would want now but it would be too soon for her so he halted himself. "I like the way you say my name."

Now it was Michelle's turn to blush a little. Also now noticing their close positions, she slowly took her hands from his chest and stepped back a little. Immediately after she regretted it already, missing the warmth and safe feeling it gave her. Realizing the soulmate bond had a bigger effect on her than she would have thought she quickly thought of something to say.

"Oh shit, I have a blind date next week." Silva's eyes darkened immediately and it was in that moment she knew that wasn't the best thing to have said.

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