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The game ended 2-1 in favour of Chelsea with both Mason and Tammy netting for Chelsea while Ben and Christian added to their assist numbers. Said Mane levelled for the Reds 10 minutes before the end of the game but it was Tammy's injury time goal that put them over the edge to secure the three points needed to move them closer to the top 4.

"Where are you going?" Mia asked as she noticed Sarah walking back up the steps towards the exit.

"Eh home? Where are you going?" Sarah questioned feeling confused at Mia's question.

"I'm going down to the tunnel to see Ben." Mia explained as she nodded her head down to the pitch.

"Oh hot, sweaty footballers. I'm down." Sarah said with a smile as she shrugged her shoulders and skipped down to Mia causing the brown haired girl to laugh.

"Come on." Mia laughed as the pair walked down to the security guard in front of the gate that lead to the pitch.

"Name and ID." The security guard asked the girl in front of her.

"Mia Chilwell." The brown haired girl spoke as she handed her ID over to the tall man in front of her. "And guest."

"Go ahead." The man nodded and opened the gate letting the two girl's through and towards the tunnel.

"That felt kinda cool." Sarah admitted as the pair walked towards the tunnel of Stamford Bridge where other members of the team's family were standing. "Like I'm seeing something I shouldn't."

"Well close your mouth." Mia laughed as they walked towards the Chelsea dressing room. "Hello Lauren."

"Hey Mia." The Man United women's footballer greeted the brown haired girl before she noticed Sarah. "Hi I'm Lauren."

"Lauren this is my friend Sarah Ryan. Sarah this is Lauren James, she's Reece James' sister, plays with Ben." Mia introduced the pair to each other.

"Hi." Sarah replied as the two shook hand.

"What are you doing here?" Mia questioned the English footballer. Since Lauren played with Man United, it wasn't often she could visit her brother in London.

"We're playing Arsenal tomorrow so I thought I'd come down early and see Reece." Lauren explained with a smile. It was clear the James siblings were close and were always supporting each other's careers.

"Speaking of." Mia spoke as she noticed Reece approaching his younger sister.

"Hey." Reece greeted his sister as he came to a stop beside her before he noticed Mia standing there. "Ben's looking for you."

"Thanks Reece." Mia said to the right winged defender. "See you later Lauren."

Mia and Sarah left the James siblings alone as they walked further in the tunnel to find her brother and his friends.

"Hello!" Mia exclaimed as she threw her arms around her brother's shoulders.

"Oh." Ben said as he realised what was happening. "Hey Mia."

"Good game guys." Mia told the group of footballer standing around her.

"Thanks." They all replied.

"What's your plans for tonight?" Ben wondered looking down at his little sister.

"Not a thing. What about you?" Mia asked the oldest Chilwell.

"We're all having dinner at Mason's." Ben explained as he pointed to the three boys around him.

"Oh nice, we'll probably just hang out at mine." Mia replied as she pointed to herself and Sarah.

"You guys can come if you want." Mason found himself suggesting before he had the time to process what he had just said.

"No it's fine. We don't wanna interrupt your boys night." Mia laughed.

"Its fine honestly. We crash your nights all the time." Mason reminded her causing them all to laugh. And it was true, with Ben having a key to Mia's house it was a regular occurrence when the boys got bored to arrive at Mia's house.

"Okay. But only if you're sure." Mia spoke looking at the midfielder.

"Can we go now? I'm starving." Tammy moaned causing them all to laugh.

"Meet us at Mason's?" Ben asked his younger sister.

"Yeh see you there." Mia told them as she and Sarah turned to head to her car.

"Shit I forgot my phone. I'll be back in a minute." Ben spoke as he turned and walked back into the dressing room. Once Ben was out of sight Mason received two slaps on his arm.

"Ow, what was that for?" Mason exclaimed as he turned to face the boys behind him.

"Yeh, invite the girl you're secretly seeing to dinner at your house with her brother, that make complete sense." Callum told the midfielder.

"It's dinner. What could go wrong?" Mason wondered out loud as he grabbed his bag from the floor and started to walk away. The other two boys sighed before waiting on Ben and followed Mason to the carpark.

 The other two boys sighed before waiting on Ben and followed Mason to the carpark

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Secret Love Song // Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now