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"Are you? Are you? Are you?" Ben asked like a little kid as he followed Mason through the hallways of Cobham training ground after their training had just finished and the pair were making their way towards the dressing room.

"Are you done?" Mason wondered as he came to a stop outside the dressing room door looking back at his teammate before he opened the door.

"Not until you answer my question." Ben continued as he followed Mason inside with them both walking to their lockers which just happened to be next to one another.

"I don't know is the answer Ben." Mason explained as he grabbed his bag from inside his locker and sat down on the bench to change out of his boots.

"That's bullshit." The former Leicester player commented cause Mason to look over at him

"How is it bullshit?" Mason wondered as he dropped his boots into his bag that was on the ground in front of him.

"She's my sister and you're one of my best friends. I know when you're both lying. Like how yesterday you told me your sister was up for the day and Mia said she was out with Leah but in fact you were both together in the city cause Billy saw you." Ben explained to his teammate and judging by Mason's reaction he was right which lead to a satisfied look forming on Ben's face.

Mason sighed as he ran a hand over his face before shoving his feet into a pair of black trainers.

"I was with Mia okay? Listen I'll do anything to get her back and if that involves telling a few white lies to spend time with her I'll do it. You weren't there the day we fought before breaking up Ben. I'm telling you I never thought she'd ever speak to me again never mind give me another chance so I'm gonna take it." Mason spoke as he stood up and paced around the dressing room as he did.

He turned around waiting for Ben's reply but it never came. The defender simply sat in silence on the bench with a huge smile on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"What? What are you smiling at?" Mason wondered looking down at the older boy with a serious look on his face, one that was best opposite to Ben's.

"You are so in love Mase. I mean head over heel, marriage kind of love, it's insane." Ben explained as he pushed himself off the bench and walked towards Mason.

"Oh my god." The midfielder said as he took a seat once again before looking up at Ben. "You're right."

"Well duh." Ben spoke causing Mason to laugh slightly at his teammate. "The question is, what are you gonna do about it?"

Mason looked down at his hands before looking up at Ben once again as the question ran through his mind.

What was he gonna do?


"Please tell me you've left, you're the only one not here yet." Sarah's voice spoke through Mia's phone as the Chilwell girl grabbed her car keys out of the drawer in her kitchen.

"I'm leaving now I swear. I'll be there in 10 minutes. Just start ordering without me." Mia replied as she quickly headed towards the front door of her apartment.

Mia, Sarah and some of Sarah's other friends ,who Mia had gotten to know since moving to London, were all meeting up for dinner tonight and Mia had completely lost track of time and had to quick get ready at 7:30 for dinner that was meant to be at 8.

"It's fine we'll wait. Everyone is excited to see you again. See you soon." Sarah told the slightly younger girl before hanging up at the phone.

Mia hurriedly walked out of the elevator and opened the apartment complex door that lead to the underground car park that was reserved for residents and towards her car that was parked a few feet away.

Once she was inside her car, she quickly drove out onto the street and began the 10 minute drive towards the city centre for dinner with her friends.

She got stuck in traffic after turning the corner off the street where her apartment was located causing her to sigh and she threw her head back against the head rest in frustration.

Mia jumped at the sudden sound of her phone ringing through the loud speaker of her car. She looked at the name on the screen and smiled before answering the call.

"Hello." Mia spoke as she rested her hands in her lap after realising that traffic didn't look like it was going to be moving any time soon.

"Hey. What are you up to?" Mason's voice replied loudly causing Mia to turn the voice down slightly.

"Stuck in traffic on my way to meet Sarah and the girls for diner and I'm already late as it is." The Chilwell girl explained as she watched a few cars get through the green light but she was still a good bit away from getting through it.

"It's not like you to be late." Mason reminded her as he walked around his kitchen preparing his dinner for tonight.

"Don't remind me. I completely lost track of time and only had 30 minutes before I was supposed to be at the restaurant and that was nearly 30 minutes ago. But anyway, how was training today?" Mia asked as she edged her car forward slightly but was still nowhere near the top of the cue of traffic.

"It was good. Mostly preparing for the Champions League in a few weeks." Mason explained to the brown haired girl through the phone.

"Finally." Mia sighed as she moved forwards through and was next in line to get through the traffic lights. Mason laughed at her actions as he could imagine her sitting in the car frustrated.

"I'll let you go before you're even more later than you already are. Text me when you get home later. Ans maybe we'll do something tomorrow?" Mason questioned in a hopeful tone of voice as he crossed his fingers.

"Yeh sure, sounds great. Bye Mase." Mia replied with a smile on her face before hanging up the phone.

Once the lights turned green Mia drove forward through the cross road when a set of bright lights coming from her right caught her eye as she realised the fast approaching car was headed straight for her and there was nothing she could do about it.

The car smashed into the side of her own sending her car flying across the road and into a wall with the black car that had crashed into her having pushed her.

She vaguely remembered the sound of a man and women's voice asking if she was okay before everything went black around her and that was the last thing she recalled.


Uh oh🙈 apologies for the break between updates I'm going to try and make them slightly longer incase I don't get updating as often. Let me know what you think.


Secret Love Song // Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now