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"Ben I'm scared." Mia said  as she was being blindly lead somewhere by her older brother with his hands on her shoulders for a guide.

She had been told to put a blind fold on before leaving Ben's house and since then she had no clue where they were driving to and where they were now.

"Don't be." Ben assured her as she felt herself being guided down a couple of steps making her wonder where she could possibly be.

Ben eventually stopped his younger sister from walking any further and told her to stay still until her pulled the blindfold off her eyes.

"Ta da." Mason spoke with his arms spread wide in the middle of his garden with a bright smile on his face.

He was standing in front of a white screen hung between two of the large trees towards the back of his garden. Fairy lights were hung around the trees and a blanket was laid on the ground with pillows and a picnics basket on top.

"Have fun." Ben whispered in his sister's ear before walking back towards Mason's house and leaving them alone.

"What's going on Mase?" Mia wondered as she turned back and looked at the Chelsea midfielder in front of her.

"I just thought it would be nice to do something together." Mason said as he gestured for her to come and join him.

"Hmmm." Mia replied feeling there was something more to this.

"Just come on." Mason spoke holding out his hand towards Mia which she took as she got closer to him.

"I'm coming." Mia told him causing Mason to laugh.


Mia and Mason spent late into the night out in Mason's backyard eating food, watching movies on the white sheet from the projector behind them and talking as they looked at the stars.

Mia was pointing up at the stars with her right hand mentally drawing lines between the stars. Her left hand was connected with Mason's, resting on his chest.

Suddenly Mason sat up taking Mia by surprise as he did, causing her to sit up too.

"Everything okay?" Mia wondered as she sat up beside him.

Mason was silent as he stared at our into the darkness beyond the back row of hedges of his garden.

He stood up making Mia felt even more confused as she too stood up wondering what was wrong with the footballer.

"Mason, you're scaring me." Mia admitted looking at Mason who was a few inches taller than she was.

Before Mia could comprehend what exactly was happening right now, the most unexpected thing happened before her very eyes.

Mason dropped to one knee and pulled out a black velvet box.

Mia could feel her heart beating so fast it felt like it might burst out of her chest and Mason felt like that multiplied by a thousand.

"Mason." Mia spoke hesitantly as she waited for Mason to speak.

"Mia. I know I'm essentially skipping a step again but after everything that happened over the last few months I don't ever wanna lose you again. When you lost your memory I thought every special moment we shared was gone and that was it. But when you got it back I realised that I could be without you ever again. I may be jumping the gun but this just feels right. Mia, will you marry me?" Mason asked with a hopeful smile looking up at the brown haired girl.

Mia's mind had missed everything that Mason said since he got down on one knee until he muttered those four words.

"Yes." Mia nodded in reply with a smile.

"Yes?" Mason questioned, wondering if he had heard her right.

"Yes Mason. I'll marry you." Mia repeated causing Mason to stand up and place a long, sweet kiss on her lips.

He pulled away and took her left hand in his before slowly slipping the ring onto her ring finger which managed to be a perfect fit.

Mia looked down at the ring for a moment before pulling Mason into a long hug where he lifted her in the air and spun her around.

"Happy?" Mason wondered as he placed her down on the ground.

"Ecstatic." Mia replied with a smile before kissing Mason again.

This has been the last thing she expected to happened when she woke up this morning but somehow everything managed to feel so right.

Mia stood happily wrapped in Mason's arms with hers wrapped around his waist and his tightly around her shoulders.

"Well?" A familiar voice asked causing Mia to turn around to see Ben, Callum, Tammy and Billy standing by Mason's back door.

"We're engaged." Mia exclaimed showing them her ring.

The four boys cheered before running towards the newly engaged couple. Ben immediately went to his sister and pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"I'm so happy for you Mia." Ben told his sister with a happy smile on his face.

"You knew didn't you?" Mia asked looking up at him.

"Of course I knew." Ben replied with a satisfied look on his face that he had managed to keep Mason's secret.

The rest of the boys hugged Mia as Ben moved over to his best friend to congratulate him too.

The boys were standing talking while Mia simply stood in silent and stared at her ring. It was plain and simple with a gold ban and a round diamonds in the middle.

"Everything okay fiancé?" Mason asked as he wrapped his arms around Mia from behind.

"Everything is perfect, fiancé." Mia smiled in reply as she turned around in Mason's arms and placed a soft kiss on his lips.


Ta-da. Who can say they were expecting that huh?

Honestly I've gotten to the point where I don't know what to write anymore so I might bring this story to an end soon.

I wanna thank you all for all the love and support you've shown me on the book. I can honestly say that you all have been my motivation behind writing🥰


Secret Love Song // Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now