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As Christmas night drew to an end Jasmine and Sam disappeared upstairs to put Summer to be after a long day spent eating, telling stories and general chat about the new year. Debbie and Tony were in the kitchen chatting while Mason, Ben and Mia sat in the living room as the two boys played FIFA.

Mia scrolled through her phone casually before the sudden sound of a shout caused her to jump and drop the phone.

"Ben." Mia exclaimed as she hit her brother a slap for scaring her.

"He beat me." Ben defended his actions as he pointed to the screen that read 3-0 in favour of Mason's team.

"You sound shocked. He always beats you. You wouldn't think you were the defender out of the both of you." Mia replied with a smile as she returned to her phone before she receive a slap on her shoulder. "Ow."

"That's for the insult." Ben told her with a satirised smile on his face. Mia began scrolling through her Instagram unaware of the silent exchange between the two boys next to her causing her brother to stand up. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Ben quickly disappeared into the kitchen leaving the former couple alone in the living room.

"You didn't need to get my those boots." Mason spoke up, not able to think of any other way to start the conversation.

"And you didn't need to get me the bracelet." Mia replied with a soft smile on her face as she dropped her phone down on her chest and rested her head against the back of the couch so she was looking at Mason.

"But we did." Mason continued as he moved his position so he was facing the brown haired girl across the couch. "So what does it mean?"

"We bought each other Christmas gifts Mase. I wouldn't read too much into it." The Chilwell girl explained with a small laugh.

Mason sat in silence with a smile on his face as he started across at the beautiful girl in front of him.

"What? What are you staring?" Mia wondered feeling confused by his sudden lack of response.

"You called me Mase." The footballer pointed out causing her to sigh with a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"I've always called you Mase." She reminded him as she used to her hand to brush her hair away from her face.

"Not since we broke up." He informed her with a happy smile written across his face that hadn't faded since she called him his nickname.

"Don't read too much into it Tony." Mia said as she stood and began to walk away hiding the smile on her face.

"Hey. Don't call me that." Mason replied as he jumped up and grabbed her arm before she could walk past him. She knew how being called by his middle name reminded him of getting in trouble while growing up and always made him cringe at the thought.

"Goodnight Mason." Mia told him but she didn't move as he was yet to remove his hand that was wrapped around her wrist. "Goodnight Mase."

The mention of his nickname coming from her mouth for the third time tonight was enough to make him loosen his grip enough for her to slip away. She offered him one last smile before disappearing out the living room door and upstairs to her room for the few days.

Secret Love Song // Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now