Play this when i'm gone

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Chapter 2


I walked in my front door, Kai yelling at me as he walked behind me

I had come to a point where i didn't listen to him yelling, i turn around yelling back again at him, only for him to grab a vase and throw it at the wall behind me.

I left in fury to the bedroom, i closed the door after me, i slide down the door and cry.

How did we come to this point in this relationship, people warned me, but i didn't listen.

As i get up i take off my clothes as i walk to the bathroom, i turn on the water and let the bathtub fill up.
I get in and lay my head back against the porcelain bathtub, as i do the back of my head began to hurt, i placed my hand to feel what it was.

There was blood on my hand, i let my hand go back down in the water and slowly slide down:
As my head gets under water alot of memories hit me at once.

Back to when i saved Kai.
The time i first time knew i loved him.
Our first kiss.
How me feelings grew for him everyday.

And many more memories came in. i open my eyes in the bathtuba and look up through the water, as all the bad memories came.

The time he almost killed me
The time he left me alone wounded
The time he got so mad he broke a plate and threatened me with one of the broken pieces
The times he left for day and didnt return any message or call, leaving me worried.

I close my eyes again going to a place i know i would never get hurt again.

Ever heard of an "out of body experience"
I had then when i looked down at my body laying there so peacefully in the water, just before Kai came in pulling me out the water, the expression on his face broke my dying heart, as he held me he screamed and cried.

He had lost the only person who cared about him.
I could see from that moment, he knew he was alone now.
i left him nothing but a broken soul.


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