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Chapter 3


I went on a car ride at 2AM, trying to get my mood up, just thinking, my mind was going wild over things.

Earlier today i was home, it had been a long day at work as i walked in the door, i placed my bag at the entrance and dragged my feet to my bedroom, i sat down in front of the mirror and looked at myself, not happy with what i saw.

As i looked i whispered to myself:
"I just wanna be someone different than me sometimes"

A tear fell down my face making my mascara run, i wanted to wipe the tear, but i didn't.
I let i slide down my face and kept looking at myself in the mirror.

I then decide it was time to take of the makeup i have put on in the morning to hide my horrible face, i grabbed a makeup wipe and dragged it over my face getting the makeup off, tears pooling in my eyes and they turn red.
I drop the wipe and cover my face with my hands over the mirror and cry.

I remove my hand and grab the mirror, i throw it to the ground and lay down on my bed looking at my ceiling.

If I try hard enough, maybe I'll forget my name, was what went through my mind.
After some time i fall asleep, but i wake up in the night not being able to sleep anymore, i look at the time.
I get up, grab my keys and went outside to my car.

I get in and drive
Where to? No idea

I didn't have a certain place i wanted to go, i just drove anywhere.

It was now 4AM and i was not going back home.
The sirenes in the background got louder and louder as i lay on the cold concrete bleeding from my head.
I look straight but my vision was gone.
i remember looking at the stars, how they shined so bright, now their beautiful shine was gone.

I got hit by another car from my side without my focus on traffic, i got thrown out of the car because i never thought of taking on the seatbelt.

The sirenes were now gone, i couldn't hear anything anymore.

everything became black.

This was it, i was gone.

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