Chapter Twenty-Two: The Demon of Nightmares.

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Harry's words continued to nag at the back of her mind way after potions ended. 

She'd convinced herself that Erick was the right choice, she fixated on the thought of her mother's relationship with Sirius, and how it'd resulted in her brother, but she knew now, Sirius and Emily weren't actively looking for a relationship, when they got together everything was so natural... If she was meant to be with Erick, wouldn't things be easier to do? The first kisses, the confessions, sharing feelings... 

But when things had ever been easy for her? 

Nothing was ever easy for a Dumbledore.

Gathering all the courage she was capable of on such short notice, she asked Erick to meet her in the courtyard. When he arrived he didn't look particularly annoyed, just merely curious. He was still holding his watch when he found her.

"Did something happen?" The boy questioned curiously. "You drank the potion?"

"Not yet. Slughorn ran away before we could even ask..."

"He's an idiot," He rolled his eyes. "I said it when we first met him, status doesn't matter once you realize there are bigger things you could be doing with your life, I can't believe he won't help you —"

"So you think sharing what makes you vulnerable can actually help you become better?"

Erick's face hardened, he stepped back a little. 

"Is this why you asked me to come? You're trying to convert me by comparing me to Slughorn?"

"Well, you two are Slytherins..." 

"What are you trying to say?"

She took a deep breath. 

"Every time I ask you something, you think I'm trying to control you—every time you ask about my day all I can think of it's that you're trying to check if I'm insane... What are we doing?"

For a moment he looked confident about his answer, but then his eyes lost certainty, and his mouth was left half-open with nothing to say.

"You think that being happy has to be earned, that there's no easy way about it," She continued, "everything with you always has to be tight-lipped and planned ahead... You're being obstinate and strict..."

"Have you looked at yourself in a mirror lately?"

"Well, that's exactly the problem. When we started to spend more time together I realized we were similar, and just like it happened to you, I started to like you," She shook her head. "Because I thought that I would know myself better by knowing all about you. But you worry about losing me and you've stopped talking, and I'm once again fighting to get you out of that bloody shell, so we're back on where we started, and I'm not finding that very appealing."

"So it's all my fault, that's what you're saying?" He frowned. 

"No! I've kept things to myself too—I've been pushy and I've tried to change you... I don't want you to look at me in a few years and regret ever telling me you felt a certain way, Erick. I don't want you to lie when I know you hate it."

"Mel, I'm happy with you. I never asked you to fix my life and that's all I want you to understand! I liked you because you always understood me—"

"You liked me because I wasn't demanding. I was the first person after your Grandad that cared to listen," She corrected. "The thing is... the more I care, the more I ask. You thought that bye dating me you'd get a cheerleader that would never question your decisions... but I'm not a blind supporter anymore—"

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