Poacher's Pride

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I woke up from loud laughter coming form downstairs. I throw on a long cardigan and head downstairs. Everyone told me "good morning" and I take the empty seat next to Ginny and grab a plate from the middle of table and start to put food on it.

"How did you sleep?" Molly asks clearing plates from the table.

"I slept great, thank you!" I smile as I take a bite out of some toast. I take a glance at everyone at the table and notice that Fred is yet again staring at me. I reach over and wave a hand in front of his face, he snaps out of his gaze and starts to blush.

"It's not polite to stare Fred." I smirk and go back to eating. Fred chuckles and looks down at his plate. George gave us both a look that said "I didn't see anything". I finish up my food and get up from the table to wash my plate. "Oh don't worry about that." Molly grabs my plate before i even had a chance to walk to the sink. "Thank you." I smile and blow a friendly kiss. Molly giggles and turns towards the sink.

I make my way upstairs so I could get ready for the day. I start by doing my makeup. I really don't do a lot in terms of makeup but the way I do my makeup would contradict that statement. I start by putting my big dramatic eyeliner wing on my top lid and a small spike on the bottom lid. I then pack on brownish red eyeshadow and some mascara and then I'm done.

I start putting an outfit together which was a black pleated skirt, tights that look like garters and stockings, a cropped black tank top, a black cardigan and a pair of regular black Vans. I strip out of my pajamas and drop them down the laundry shoot in the room. I hear my door start to slowly open and my only response was "Ah I'm naked!!!!". I covered my top half and hid behind the other side of the door and poked my head out.

Low and behold, it was Fred. "Care if I join?" he smirked trying to come in to get a peek. I rolled my eyes and swatted him on the nose and closed the door, locking it.

"That hurt!" Fred yelled through the door.

"Good!" I yelled back.

I started putting my outfit that I picked out on. When I was done changing, I looked in the mirror and adjusted and straightened every flaw and walked back downstairs. Everyone except the twins were sitting in the living room and their attention turned to me as I came jogging down the stairs. "Hello everyone!" I greet the family and they all greet me back.

"Your outfit is so cute! Can you help me pick one out?" Ginny asks, very excited and also still in her pajamas. I smile at her and chuckle. "Of course I can!" Ginny smiles widely. "Thank you so much, Morgue!!!" I nod my head at her and turn towards the kitchen to get some water.

I find George and Fred in the kitchen, looking for snacks. "Morgue! Mom didn't happen to tell you where she keeps her chocolate frogs, did she?" He asks. I chuckle and shake my head. "You're useless to us then." Fred jokes and turns back around to continue his search. "Didn't seem too useless a few minutes ago when you tried to invite yourself in to watch me change." I grinned and raised an eyebrow. Fred looked at George who had choked on his own spit at what I had just said and started turning a deep crimson. "Now where's your cups?" I ask and George points to a cabinet.

I grab a cup and start pouring water from the sink in the glass. I take a long drink and pour the rest out and set the cup in the sink. "Well, I promised Ginny I would help her pick out an outfit so if you'll excuse me." I walk out of the kitchen and back out into the kitchen to go and get Ginny so we could get an outfit picked out for the day and walked up the stairs, I look down to see Fred trying to sneak a glance up my skirt before looking up at me to smile and wave. I scoff and continue walking up the stairs with Ginny.

I walk into her room and immediately walk to the closet in her room. "Is there a specific look you want?" I ask looking through all the pale colored clothes in her closet.

Crocodile Tears (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now