Dog Teeth

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I woke up that morning to small snickers and the slightly rickety wood door creaking. I cracked my eyes open slightly to where they wouldn't be able to tell that I was awake. I could hear them walking closer and closer to me.

As soon as I could hear them next to me, I turned over. "If you prank me while I'm asleep, I'm kicking both of your asses, simultaneously." They take a couple steps back as I sit up and stretch. "Good morning boys." I walk in between them to use the bathroom and brush my teeth. When I was done, I walked back to my room and see the twins were still there.

"You two have your own room, why are you always in mine?" I ask jokingly.

"Your room is cool." George answers.

"Plus, we're great company." Fred smiles knowing I nearly strangle them at least once a day.

"Yeah, sure." I chuckle and start picking put an outfit for today and start getting my makeup together. I decided my outfit that day was gonna be a pair of half black and half white trouser-like pants, a mesh undershirt, a black and white striped crop top that says "A Tim Burton Film" in purple letters, a black sweater, and black creepers.

"We'll leave so that you can get dressed." George stands up and nudges Fred's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'll meet you in our room in a couple minutes." Fred says looking at me with his stupid smirk. "Out." I smile and point to the door.

"Come on Fred, give her some privacy." George grabs Fred's arm.

"Not even a small peek?" Fred whines, I shake my head which makes him whine more and he trudges out of the room with George. I giggle and close the door and change as normal.

"You guys can come back in now!" I yell down the hallway. Obviously, They both rushed in.

"That was miserable and boring." George complains.

"We thought we'd never see you again." Fred adds to the drama. I find myself rolling my eyes yet again. I sit at the desk where all my makeup and mirror were.

"What's on the Weasley agenda for today?" I ask, starting my eyeliner.

"Mum was talking about going to Diagon Alley to get supplies for school." George answers.

"Isn't Harry supposed to be here today as well?" Fred asks.

"That is correct Fred." George answers yet again. I stop what I was doing and gave them a confused look. "Who's Harry?" I ask.

"He's quite famous around here. Both of his parents were killed by He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named and when he tried to kill Harry, he somehow survived." I'm still confused.

"So is this dude that tried to kill Harry bad enough to the point where you can't say his name?" I question.

"Pretty much." They both said in unison. I nod in interest and start drawing on my eyeliner. "So when is he getting here?" As if I were telepathic, there was a loud knock on the door from downstairs. "Now, I suppose." Fred answers.

"Well I'm not going down there with my makeup half done so if you guys want to go down, I'll meet you down there." They both nod and exit my room. I quickly finish filling in my eyeliner and put on eyeshadow and other little small additions that I felt like adding. I ruffle my hair a bit and walk out the door and down the stairs.

I squeeze in between the twins and see what I assume is Harry. A skinny, average height, black shaggy haired boy with round, wired glasses. I could see him tense up as soon as he saw me.

"You must be Harry, I'm Morgue." I reach my hand out and he shakes it. His hand is shaking wildly with nerves but calms down rather quickly. "See, I'm not so scary, am I?" He shakes his head and chuckles nervously.

Crocodile Tears (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now