13. Jiyong

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After Chaerin's visit, the morning flew by and before I knew it, my phone beeped, reminding me of my appointment at Dr. Choi's. I shut my stuff down, gave Bom a few tasks for the rest of the day and headed out. Dara and Jisoo arrived seconds after I did.

She looked just as stunning as she had this morning. Her curls were swept into a messy bun, and she wore jeans with a loose sweater, making me wonder if she was wearing a bra underneath. She isn't, my imagination concluded. Seeing her in such casual clothing made me want to do all the things I'd done to her last night, and then some.

"Hi." She smiled as I pulled her into a hug, feeling her breasts against my chest. My cock stirred with interest. "How was work?"

"Too long." I swooped in for a quick kiss and reached over to tousle Jisoo's hair. "Hey, little princess. Have you been a good girl for Mommy?"

"Jwiyong!" She gave me a toothy grin and bobbed her head excitedly. "I good guwl." I was just about to respond, but we were interrupted when an assistant arrived to escort us to the examination room. Just like the last time, we were shown in and then left to our own devices. Dara bounced Jisoo on her lap while I sat next to her, my arm loosely wrapped around her waist.

"I have to admit, I've been really impatient during the last few hours." She leaned her head on my shoulder. "I also don't understand why we couldn't get the results over the phone. It seems silly to have us drive all the way back here."

"I'm sure he just wanted to tell us the results in person, considering the whole situation."

The door opened, but instead of Dr. Choi, it was Hannah, the medical assistant, who entered carrying a chart. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. It's been extremely busy today. Unfortunately, Dr. Choi is unavailable today."

"That's all right, I guess," Dara said. "Do you have the test results?"

Hannah hesitated before she took a seat across from us. She glanced at the lab results in her hand and then up at me. "Yes, I do." She paused. "Unfortunately, it looks like you aren't Jisoo's father, Mr. Kwon."

The energy in the room immediately shifted.

My heart sank, and I stared at her, dumbfounded. It didn't make any sense. Anyone who saw Jisoo and me together would be able to pinpoint the resemblance. When I held her in my arms for the first time, I instantly connected with her. There was no way she wasn't my kid.

Next to me, Dara was equally shocked. "That's impossible," she mumbled. "There must be some mistake."

"That can't be right," I agreed. "How accurate are these tests? Should we do the test again?" I tossed all these questions at her in one stream of disbelief and frustration.

Hannah visibly bristled at my tone. "The tests have an industry standard reliability of 99.9%." She said it so matter-of-factly that I was sure it wasn't the first time she'd been asked, most likely in very similar situations. She passed the sheet of paper to me.

"We want it done again," Dara insisted.

"Your insurance—"

Dara frowned and stared at her. "So? What about it?"

"I'll pay out of pocket again." I interjected.

Something didn't seem right.

Hannah appeared beyond uncomfortable. She flicked her gaze between Dara and me before she quickly stood. "Maybe I should give you two some time to talk this over."

"Can't you contact Dr. Choi?" I got to my feet. "We're not leaving until we speak with him personally."

Hannah nodded vaguely and hastily left the room. The door had barely closed before I started to pace. "Who the hell does he think he is? He's got a lot of damn nerve not coming to talk to us face-to-face. I can't wait to give him a piece of my mind—"

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