15. Dara

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A/N :
I'm sorry I took so long for my update! Enjoy guys!!


I carried Jisoo up the stairs to our apartment. She had fallen asleep in the car and was snuggled into my neck, snoring softly. I was so focused on trying not to wake her, that at first, I didn't notice the front door was ajar.

My stomach dropped, and my heart rate picked up as I gently pushed the door open all the way. The first thing I noticed was the living room had been completely tossed and my belongings strewn across the floor. Terrified, I stepped back into the hall and fumbled for my phone. Before I realized what I was doing, I'd dialed Jiyong.

"Hey, I wasn't expecting to hear from you ton-"

"Someone broke into my apartment!" I interrupted him, clutching Jisoo close. "The door was forced open, and my stuff is all over the place. I don't know what to do!"

"Don't go in," Jiyong ordered, his voice loud and alarmed. "Go to your car, now, lock the doors, and call the police. I'm on my way."

I was already halfway down the hall by the time he hung up. Thankfully, Jisoo was still sleeping when I put her back into her car seat and climbed in next to her. My hands were trembling as I made sure the car doors were locked, and I called the police.

Ten minutes later, Jiyong pulled up beside me. The second he stepped out I was in his arms. He pulled me into a tight hug. "Where's Jisoo? Is she okay?"

I nodded and motioned to the backseat where our daughter was still sleeping peacefully. "The police are on their way. Oh, my God, Jiyong, I was so scared!"

"You're safe, I'm here." He clutched me tight, and we remained that way until the police arrived a few minutes later.

Two female officers got out of the cruiser. "You the ones who called in a robbery?" the taller one asked.

"I did. My name's Dara. Dara Park. It's my place."

"All right, we'll go check it out," the second officer said. "Stay here."

Jiyong turned to me as they headed into the building. "What happened?"

"I don't know." I was on the verge of hysterics. "I went to my mother's after the appointment. We just got back. Oh, my God, what if we'd been here? Oh, my God... Jisoo." My chest started to heave, and my breath came out in short gasps. I'd had enough today! Who would have done this, and why? What else was going to happen? My anxiety and anger were taking control, and my breathing became shallower. No one would harm my daughter. No one.

"Dara, Dara, take a deep breath." Jiyong pulled me to his chest. "You're having a panic attack. I need you to breathe."

I tried several times to no avail. The gasping became worse, and Jiyong pulled away to cup my face.

"Babe. Take a deep breath-in through your nose. I've got you. Listen to the sound of my breathing."

He inhaled slowly, and I managed to follow his lead.

"Deep breath out-through your mouth."

My body trembled as I exhaled, but my focus remained on Jiyong's calm voice.

"Deep breath in."

My heart began racing as I thought of the what-ifs. I kept trying to listen to Jiyong and calm myself, but my mind ... it wouldn't let go. I could no longer hear him over the pounding of my heart. Images of what could have happened flashed through my head-all I could think of was protecting my daughter, and what if I failed? My vision darkened as I began to hyperventilate again, and I could feel Jiyong's strong arms trying to bring me back from the pit of despair.

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