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A girl with short, shoulder-length brown hair and light blue eyes is entering a school gate.

She is wearing a pink cardigan and Yumenosaki Academy's blue blazer with blue ribbon, a skirt and tights.

Meaning, she is a second-year.

And the sole student in the Producer Course.


Meanwhile, in the country far away from Japan.

A teenage girl is humming a song while sketching a picture. She has raspberry pink-colored hair that is tied into wavy pigtails with lilac highlights at the ends of her hair and bright golden eyes.

In front of her, is the same age young lady with majestic indigo eyes. She has curly, silver to pale blue ombre hair styled into four curled ringlets that fall down to her waist, along with a straight cut bang.
Currently, those two were inside a classroom. It is quiet but not awkward. 

No one bothered to start a conversation and just enjoying the comfortable silence.

Out of nowhere, the latter girl's phone rang.

"Hello. It's been awhile right, Mizuki-chan?" A voice asked with slight joy.

"What do you want, Rei?"

The girl now known as Kasumi Mizuki questioned him back.

"Eh~ is it really Rei-rei?" The pinkette eagerly waiting for her best friend's reply.

"It is. Calm down a bit, Hima."

The said Hima or her actual name Asuha Himari just smiled wider in return.

"Oh~ Himari-chan is also with you. Good, good." Rei said delightedly.

"It's seems you two are close as ever. I'm glad."

"Cut the chit chat. Just straight to the point." Mizuki demanded him.

"Why the rush? And here I thought I can finally have a nice conversation with my dearest friends." He made a sob sound.

"Rei-rei, you must have something re~ally important to tell us right?" Himari barged in.

"Well of course my lovely, Himari-chan. The truth is, a new unit will rise soon. And I'm perfectly sure they can defeat the Emperor." The young man stated confidently.

The two girls widened their eyes a bit.

'Can they really stop him?' That is what in their minds.

"If you don't believe me, how about coming back to Japan and see them with your own eyes?"

"Hmm, you sound too confident it makes me don't want to-" Mizuki didn't get to finish it when Himari cut her words excitedly.

"Of course we will believe in you!"

With that, Himari end the call.

Back at Yumenosaki Academy, a tall young man stared blankly at his phone.

He has slightly long, wavy black hair that stops at his shoulders and curves inward with red eyes.

He is the one who called Himari and Mizuki. The infamous, Sakuma Rei.

The self-proclaimed vampire and the leader of UNDEAD.

"Let's go back, Mizu!" The golden eyes girl shouted, earning a few glances from the students that walking outside their classroom.

It is dead silent until...

"If that's what you want, then let's do it, Hima." The girl replied with a small smile.

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Rewritten; May 20th
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