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The next day, Himari and Mizuki arrived at the school quite early.

"Waahh~ I'm so excited! Our first day in the school! I wonder what will happen today~" Himari was cheerful as always.

"Hmm, I wonder about that too. I want to meet the others and of course those children we rely on." Mizuki said calmly.

"Oh, and who's the girl yesterday? It's really weird, there's no other girls aside from us in Idol Course. New student?"

"I'm sure Rei will tell us later. Eh? Isn't that the girl?" The silver-head asked while staring at the second-year.

"Let's go, Mizu! I want to talk to her!" Himari immediately sprinted towards the brunette.

"Haa, wait for me, Hima!"


"Ehh~ she already went ahead." The golden eyes girl said disappointedly.

"Hmm? Ehh? Himari nee-san?! Wait, you're back?!" A boy asked, slightly surprised.

He has golden eyes and red hair which is asymmetrically cut, growing a streak on the left side that goes down to his shoulder, while keeping the rest of his hair at average length. Some of his hair is coloured white, but most of it is red.

His name is Sakasaki Natsume. He serves as leader of Switch.

"Uwehh? Ahh! Natsu-chan!! I missed you so much!" She hugged the said boy with a wide smile.

"Nee-san, when did you arrive? Why you didn't tell me beforehand? What have you been doing all this time? Where is Mizuki nee-san? Did she come back with you?" Natsume bombarded many questions to his beloved senior.

"Mizu is here too! We arrived yesterday."

"Is that so... I'm glad that both of you have returned. Welcome back, nee-san."

Behind a tree, Mizuki watched the heartwarming scene.

"That's good. I just wasted my time worrying about him."


They arrived at the third years floor. The maidens need to go their own separate way because they're not in the same class. Himari was in Class 3-A while Mizuki was in Class 3-B.

"Then, Hima, I see you later."

"Of course! Bye bye, Mizu!"

Himari went inside the classroom, everyone turned their gaze to look at her. Some widen their eyes and some was even blushing.

"Good morning, everyone!~ I'm looking forward to work with you guys again!" She greeted her friends and classmates.

"Huh? Who's that?"

"Are you an idiot?! That's Asuha Himari!"

"She's back!!"

"As in Himari-chan of fate?"


"You don't know them?! They're the only girl unit in Yumenosaki Academy."

"Does that means Kasumi Mizuki is here too?"

"fate has returned."

"We can see fate's performance again."

The students were busy whispering with each other. Meanwhile, there was a person who can't believe his eyes.

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