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Previously, our two main characters decided to come back to Japan.

They arrived at Osaka International Airport.

Himari that still sleepy walked while rubbing her eyes. Mizuki made sure to hold Himari's hand so that they don't get separated.

They immediately went outside and got into a car that has been prepared earlier with all of their luggages.

The car drove away to their next destination. Yumenosaki Academy.


Upon arriving, the two young idols straight away entered the school.

They showed their school id to the guards and went ahead to the teacher's office.

When they're about to get into the school building, they saw many students gathering in front of a stage.

"Wah~ it's must be a DreFest." Himari said with sparkling eyes.

A Dream Idol Festival or DreFest for short, is battle of the bands-style live show students perform against one another to test their Dance, Vocal, and Performance skills.

The outcome of the live is determined by the audience's votes.

DreFest shows are categorized by prestige. From highest to lowest, the DreFest ranks are: SS, S1, S2, A1, and B1.

However, the school does not officially recognize B1 lives, and they do not count toward a student's grades.

"Look, look! It's starting!" Himari exclaimed excitedly.

"Ossu! The world of competition is the world of men! Thou shalt not violate its sacredness!"

"Watch the rivalry of pride between two males of dancing muscles and surging blood~!"

"Sorry for the late intro! I'm Nagumo Tetora, 1st year in the Karate Club!"

"I'll be in charge of commentary and tallying up the votes for the 32nd DreaFes - Dragon King Competition! Ossu!"

A boy with black and spiky hair that has red streaks on the bangs at side of his head announced enthusiastically. His eyes are bright amber color.

"Dragon King Competition? Isn't that the event organized by the Karate Club?" Himari asked the silver-head beside her.

"You're right. That means Kuro must be one of the participants." Mizuki said, slightly amused what will happen.

The first-year boy continues "For today's Dragon King Competition, the challenger!"

"With a height of 174cm and weighing in at 58kg! The Light Music Club's Biting Demon!"

"From Class 2-B in Yumenosaki's Idol Course, 'Mad Dog' Oogami Koga~!"

The said young man has spiky grey hair with bangs that cross in the middle. His hair is short and cut just below his ears. He has light golden eyes.

"I'll sink my claw into the souls of fools! I'll bite you, tear you apart and drink your fresh blood!" At his sudden speech, everyone cheered loudly.

Coming from the shadow, the captain of Karate Club made his appearance.

A very tall young man with a good build. He has short, spiky bright red hair that is brushed back from the front, with one lock of hair left gracing his forehead.

He has very light yellow-green eyes. He wears two black stud earrings, two golden rings on his right ear, and one on his left.

He is a third-year and a member of AKATSUKI, Kiryu Kuro.

"We should go now, Hima. It will look ugly from now on." The indigo eyes girl dragged her best friend away.


After the two maidens finished all the required documents, they went to the Light Music Club room.

Inside, a young man with piercing ruby eyes was waiting for them.

Himari didn't wait to knock the door and just entered the room.

"Rei-rei, we're back! Did you miss us?" She hugged the boy in front of her.

"Kukkukku, Himari-chan, you didn't change at all." Rei replied while patting her head gently.

"So, which unit you're talking about?" Mizuki instantly asked him.

"How about we sit down and have tea first?" He offered with a warm smile.

"No, thanks." She denied his offer without much thought, making the UNDEAD's leader pouted slightly.

"Sorry~ Rei-rei. We're in hurry here you know. We still need to prepare for tomorrow school." Himari said with an apologetic tone.

"I understand. Oh, there they are." He pointed outside of a window.

The others saw a group of second-year boys carrying a fainted girl.

Mizuki stared blankly at the scene. 'Are they really the one we're counting on?'

On the other hand Himari 'Uwaaah~ Is that girl alright?'

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Rewritten; May 20th
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