Chapter 8

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Offender POV
Y/N was snuggled up against my the entire walk to her Best Friends apartment. It is true she has fell in love with me but all women do, I don't know if she's actually in love or if I just used my Charm to claim her. I should ask her later after dinner.
I'm now mentally preparing myself to hear a no or freak or something upsetting over all.
My stomach turn and twisted itself into a knot.
"You ok Smexy?" She was looking at my worried expression, this was a downside to have face features it makes you human.
"Hmm? Oh yea I'm fine."
Her brow knots together, "Your really bad at lying, what's on your mind?"
"Well, can we talk about this after the Dinner? We're here." I point at the door a few feet away from us.
She looks at the door then back at me giving me a cute dirty look. "You didn't escape this time I will get you to answer (๑•̀д•́๑)"
I chuckle and peck her cheek.
She blushes hard, "I-I still won't forget!"
"Mhmm~ if you say so~" I knock on the door.
She's crosses her arms and puff her cheeks up, adorable...I really hope she doesn't say no.
We were both greeted by B/N.


"Heya B/N"
"You made it! Who is this~? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" She looks at Smexy.
He offers his hand to her, "OM~ But you can call me smexy~ Y/N date~" She takes it and shakes it.
"Ooo A gentleman I see! He's a lot better than Tyler." She whispers to me.
I laugh nervously, "let's not talk about....Tyler."
"Oh I saw what you did with Tyler at the bar!!" She laughs her ass off, "Omg he was so pissed!"
Smexy snickers, "I gotta admit it was funny destroying his pride like that~ so cold hearted~"
My face reddens, "Let's not talk about it!"
"Okay weirdos come on in." She moves out the way letting us in.
As soon as I stepped a step inside her Apartment I felt sick to my stomach. Like I just saw my end of the rope, like death. Chills ran up and down my spine. I look around for the cause.
"Let me get Z He's cooking." B/N walks away to her kitchen. I gave her a quick nod and scan the living room. Nothing was out of the ordinary.
"Y/N? You alright?" Smexy snap me out of my search.
Without looking at him I mumble, "You don't feel that...?"
"No? Feel what?"
"...Like something isn't right Like Death is standing in the same room as us." I look at his puzzled face.
"That's Oddly specific. But I'm sure it's fine."
"Okay guys this is Z!" B/N walks out hold the arm of a monstrous tall man. His skin was pitch black as the void, on top of his head he has horns sprouting out of his head. His eyes and mouth were a blood red, and he has 7 mouths one on each shoulder, 4 on his chest and one on his face.
Smexy face completely change from calm and dandy to Angry and irritated.
"Hello." He offers his long clawed hand to me.
I bite my tongue down and stare down at his hand, "Umm Sorry my hands are dirty and I heard you were cooking..."
"Ah I see." He Scans me. Smexy on the other hand saw what I saw too and stepped in front of me blocking the monsters view.
"Y/N why don't you go help B/N with dinner, me and Z are gonna have a small chat." Smexy was glaring at him.
"Good idea!" Z smirks.
I nod and take B/N arm and walk to the kitchen. When we start to walk pass Z he places a hand on my shoulder, "It really is nice to meet you Y/N" He chuckles and removes his hand.
I felt a roll of pain enter my body.
When we enter the kitchen I take a seat and rub my face.
"You ok Y/N?"
"Yeah I'm fine...." My head was pounding. Who is he? Why can't she see what he is? "Hey did you ever notice something weird about Z?" I lift me head to her.
"Jesus Christ Y/N!" Her eyes widened.
"What?? What's so bad about asking a question?"
"Not that!" She grabs a toll of paper towels and hogs over to me. "Your nose."
"?" I lightly touch my nose and look at my fingers.
It's happening again, black goo. "Great..."
She shoves paper towels on my face, "Hold this down I'm calling the hospital."
I do as she said, "B/N I've already told the doctors they said there's nothing they can do."
"What? What are you talking about??? This is normal Y/N!"
"I know! What do you think I've been telling the doctors?! They think I'm high for crying out loud!"
"Omg this is serious."
"No shit! B/N I don't know what's going on or how this happened."
We both went quite not knowing what to do or how to handle this.
"Does anyone else know?"
"No just you."
"Are you planning on telling anyone?"
"It's really not a big deal-"
"Are you serious!! That is! Have you ever seen someone's nose bleed Black shit?? This wasn't in the Nursing Training were taking you know."
"I know."
"...Anything else weird and concerning happening?"
"Umm Weight gain, moody, dizziness, and I've been tired lately."
"Get a diet then."
"....that's not where I've been gaining weight B/N."
"What do you mean? Where?"
"Where do you think?"
She stops and scans me, "Boobies."
"Really? Acting like a child...?"
"What want me to say Tits?"
"-_- I should slap you."
"Aww don't do that."
I stick my tongue at her
"You too."
"Hey ladies what's going on here~" Smexy walks in.
"I'm trying to figure out if I should call a doctor or not." B/N Stares dead at me while she says this.
"Really? Throwing me under the bus wonderful."
"What why?! What happened?"
"Her face is bleeding."
"How?" He legit sounds concerned, he walks over to me and gently puts a hand under my chin while lifting the paper towels off my face. "Huh...that's...not normals."
"I figured that already." I roll my eyes because he stated the obvious.
"Rude much~?"
I blush and look away.
"We might have to get my brother."
"Who's your brother?" B/N steps in.
"Umm he's a very special kind of doctor. He deals with this kind of stuff."
"Oh can I come?"
"No absolutely not. He prefers to be alone and no one about him." Smexy helps me up and starts to head out with me.
"See ya later Y/N" B/N waves bye.
I wave back and smile, "Sorry we couldn't stay."
"It's fine." Z steps in and stares at me, his red eyes scanning me.
I felt my eyes water and trickle down.
"Okay how we rush there shall we?" Smexy sounded even more worried.
"Hm? Why what's up?"
"Your eyes are bleeding now." He pushes me out and flips off Z, "I know this is your doing!"
"What?" I look at him.
"Oh nothing that was Zalgo one of the immortal powerful demons."
"So I wasn't seeing things."
"Wait you saw him? You saw thru is disguise???"
He sighs, "I think we're dealing with a demon Possession."
"Don't worry Slendy can help I think."
"You think?!"
"Calm down its fine it's a win win situation if you get cured your fine and if you don't your part of the crew~!"
I glare at him.
"Not liking it ok~" He takes my arm and disappears.

Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now