Chapter 10

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Offender POV
It's been a day since Y/N was asleep and nothing. Every-time I called Slendy he sends me to voicemail or tells me to stop calling.
I pour myself a cup of coffee and sip it. Didn't really get much sleep....

I slam my brothers mansion doors open with Y/N in my arms.
"Slendy! Get the fuck over here!!" I stump inside the quiet house.
"Jesus Christ what's going on Offender." He was rubbing his face while walking down the stairs. He glares at me then sees Y/N. "What did you do to her?"
"Nothing we were on the way here then she fainted."
"How?" His black tentacles try to take Y/N from my grasp.
I back away from his gripping range, "Her eyes and Nose started gushing out black blood..."
"What? How is that even possible for a human? Give her to me."
"I want to be here by her side if you don't mind."
He snaps his fingers and Y/N was in his grasp now, "I actually do mind." He says as he looks at her face, "Oh dear..."
"What is it?" I step closer wanting to steal her from him.
"She might be the Next..."
"Next what?"
"Shadow Demon."
"What?! No there's no way that's possible!"
"Offender...this is one of the main signs." He scans her, "She is the next Offender...She is showing all the signs."
My heart pounded not believing a word even though it was true, she wasn't being possessed....she was becoming a Demon.
"But that means..."
"We will try to prevent it...I have a feeling now that she's in our grasp we can change her fate."
"Can I stay her side...She needs me and I need her..."
"When will you ever grow up Offender! She isn't yours. She's not in love with you and you are just fooling yourself."
"N-no she does and I'm not..." I bit my tongue down hard my teeth almost causing my tongue to bleed.
"You are...quit torturing poor just damaging yourself and others around you."
"..." My heart smashed to bits.
"Now go so I can help the poor girl."
"..." I turn and marched out.


The seen plays out in my head like a broken record.
My phone buzzes, I sip my coffee and pull it out of my short pockets. It was Slendy....
I press the ignore button since he did it too me. He was right, she didn't love me...
I was just fooling myself, I gritted my teeth and clutch my fist while leaning on the counter.
You've got one new voicemail!
Would you like it to be read out loud?
It waits for me to respond....I sigh and rub my face...
"Sure" I mumble and went back to drinking my coffee waiting for the yelling to begin.
"Hey Smexy...It's Y/N. I wanted to call but didn't have your number so I'm using Slendys Phone I think...."
I choke up the coffee and stare dead at my phone.
"....I'm scared..." her voice croaked and shook, "I don't know what's going on....Everything is so loud and I can't see anything but black.....I-I miss you...."
My breath caught in my throat.
"A-and I need you............."
End of Voicemail
She needs me....?
Wait she can't see??
That's it she even said it herself she needs me, I grab my trench coat and boots and shoved them. I flip on my hat and teleport.

I eventually did recover my vision and Slendy was starting to explain to me what's going on.
"So your the next Shadow Demon or shadow Queen."
"A what?"
"Okay story time....every 1000 years the Shadow Demons power is passed down to those who are chosen by her. But has been unsuccessful because each person she's picked weren't worthy and weak. Mostly because Zalgo always!!! Always captures the future Shadow Demon and beats them half to death thinking that'll make them stronger. He doesn't realize the Trails are inside the mind."
This a lot to take in.....he basically just said I'm probably gonna die, "So basically I'm gonna die..."
"What? No I'm going to prevent your fate as much as possible. You need Mental training and concentration more than actually strength."
"Why is this Shadow Demon so important anyway?"
"She is one of the most powerful Immortals there is, that's why she didn't die off instead went into hibernation until it's time for her to pass the power."
"Will I pass the power?"
"Umm yes and no it's your decision to do so but the reason why she's looking for the next one is because long ago She was human but she studied dark magic or shadow magic. She was caught by the king and Slade but before she died she cursed her soul with a very powerful combining Shadow and Blood magic. And here we are she goes thru to pick the worthy but I can feel her growing tired."
"Oh ok..."
"The shadow queen can control the shadows."
"Obviously." A rough soothing voice comes from behind me, I turn my head looking at Offender.
"Son of a....Offender what did I say?"
"What can I say I don't listen." He walks over to me and leans on the back of my chair while placing his head on top of mine causing me to blush intensely.
"She doesn't need you here bothering her."
"Actually I left a voicemail saying I did need him..."
Slendy stares at me, "....As you wish But if he starts screwing up your training he's out of the house. Got it both of you?"
"I understand." I nod.
"Good." He stands and walks out leaving us both alone.
"Soooo~ you missed me~?"
He chuckles while his arms slither around my neck and he purrs.

Aww so cute! I hope you all are surviving the Virus but it'll get better from here! All ya have to do is Sanitize, 6ft from others and a Mask!

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