Chapter 7

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A week later

It's been almost 8 days since the mansion and offender. Everything seemed to be fine, except that the frequent nose bleeds kept me worried and Tyler keeps harassing me with notes and breaking my property. Like the other day he threw rocks at my window causing indentions and even Cracks in it.
B/N said she found a man named "Z" so that's fun. She said that she wants me to meet him tonight for dinner.
Sometime Jeff sneaks in my place to hang out with me and even brings some of his buddies. I met someone called the Puppeteer.
Then last but not least....Offender. I haven't seen him in awhile I mean he would appear at the corner of my eye then disappear, kinda upsetting really. And sometimes he leaves roses around my apartment, obviously I've kept them all close you know put them in a vase. They seem to never die. Which I love. I think he knows I love them because once and awhile he would give me more vases.
He was so sweet and kind. He makes me smile every time I find a rose or a vase waiting for it to be found.
Although, I don't know if it's his doing or I really want him, I have dreams with him flirting sometimes getting a little steamy. Not the kind where we're both in bed butt naked where he's mooching up and down my neck and face.
Just the thought of it made my body tingle and crave him. Anyway back to the story, I was stretched out in my bed with my phone, waiting for my time to crawl out of my den to B/N apartment. Mind you I'm braless because recently my bras shrunk in the washer machine, which never happened to me before. I look at the time on my phone, I've got about an hour before I have to be there. Sighing I sit up and stretch my arms above my head and yawn. I stood and threw my phone on my bed.
Just as I did a loud knock came from my door.
"? Wonder who's knocking?" I scratch my head and walk to the door as I open it I pull my hair behind my ear.
When the door was fully open, entire body exposed, I felt my entire face change from tired and lazy to Embarrass and happy.
It was Offender in his human form.
"Heya Love~" He winks and looks down at my breast, "Nice Tits~" His grey tongue licks his lips as if he was hungry.
I felt my face flood with embarrassment and turn a bright red. I rap my arms tightly on my chest, painful.
"U-Umm y-you're here, actually here!"
"In the flesh~" He cooed while lightly taking his hand and placing it gently under my chin. And he inches his face towards mine.
"D-distance Weirdo!!!"
He chuckles, "Wasn't gonna do anything~ Any way I showed up cause I heard that you were going to your best friends house to meet her boyfriend~"
"What how?!" I push his hand away.
"I'm a Stalker what can I say~ Point is your gonna feel awkward like a third wheel~ soooooo can I come~???" His face lights up like a little child asking for a toy.
"Please~!!!!!" He puts his hands together and starts to beg.
I giggle a little then sigh, "I suppose."
I move out the way, "Come in."
I saw his face light up more as he steps in, "Nice place~"
"Oh shut up I know your the one coming in and leaving the roses and vases."
"Caught me~!" He gives me a small smirk and wink.
I blush and shake my head, "W-whatever I got to get dress." I said as I walk to my room.
"Got it, try to wear a bra~"
"Shut up!" I give him a glare.
"You so cute~"
I mumble, "I'm not cute." And a bunch of angry mumbling things. I strip down and look for something to wear, "Hey Offender-"
"Please call me Smexy~"
"Umm ok Smexy what should I wear?"
"Hmm~ well it's date night and you wanna look stunning soooo Birthday suit~!" He bust out laughing.
"Ok ok~ how about that dress I got ya~?"
"Oh yea I still got it." I pull it out my closet and examine it. It was still as Beautiful the day I got it. As I slide it on I realize that the zipper was on my back, I reach my arm for the zipper.
"Hmpt!" My arms couldn't reach the zipper.....I feel like a T-Rex. ".....Smexyyyyyyyy can you zip this thing up for meeeeee???" I gave up.
"Sure thing Love~" I heard his steps thump over.
I took a quick glance at myself in the mirror, I just realized how my weight I've my womanly areas. That's why I can't fit my bras.
"Alright here's your savor~" He walks in my room.
"Ahah ahah very funny My knight in shining armor." I light my H/L H/C up. The tips of my hair is darker....did my hair change color over night???
I felt his felt hand on my waist while his right was pinching the zipper.
"Yea I just realized I've gained weight so if the zipper doesn't close all the way you know why."
He shrugs, "Got it Love~" He whispers as he zips it up. I look at him thru the mirror he was looking down at the zipper then he slowly turn his gaze to my eyes thru the mirror. God damn it I will not lie I think he just turned me on.
I remain eye contact with him. "Thanks."
"Anytime Love~" He gives me a smile, "And look it fit-"
"You used magic didn't ya?"
"Yes yes I did~"
"Yea thought so."
"Know me so well in a week~! New record~"
I shake my head, "Shall we?"
"Yup~" he offers his arm out to me.
I blush while slowly talking it. One of his tentacles pulls me closer into his personal zone then disappear into his back.
And we walk out together.

Hey Cuties!! Check out my other book Love and Kidneys!

Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now