Chapter 9

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Lucky, Smexy did let me change to proper clothes, it would be kinda weird that they keep seeing me with that dress on.
But Smexy thought it was a bad idea to waste more time because by the time I took one step into the woods I fainted apparently.
Weird right?
When I woke up I found myself in the same bed I slept in when I first arrived here.
I sat up looking out the nearest window to my left. It looks like nighttime. I must've been extremely exhausted, good hour or two. I stood and my bones pop and crack as if I've been sleeping forever. I stretch my arms above me getting that good stretch in.
I step over to the door but something on my feet catch my attention, I look down to my feet.
From my toes to my mid calf was black, it just kinda faded off around my calf's then it was my skin color. Soot? I bend down and rub my finger trying on my calf to get it off. No use it stayed put. Maybe a shower but before that I need answers on what's going on with my body.
The door creaks and groans as I open it. Wow didn't really realize how...loud it was until now. I rub my ear.
I stumble out looking for any life. Probably sleeping it is nighttime. I walk around looking for the stairs, each door I pass has an interesting story. Some had Games blasting, talking or the window was let wide open letting the wind whoosh in, but it was all happening behind a door.
How can I hear that?
Eventually I found the beginning of the stairs, this is a really big house, it was a mansion afterall. My hand grazes the railing.
I felt my back tingle and prickle, swiftly I slide to the left dodging a hatch that was being swung down towards me.
It was a guy, wearing a hoodie with his hood up, a pair of googles, a stripped mask, blue jeans, tennis shoes and gloves. In each hand he welds two short sharp hatchets.
"Q-qui-quick aren't we Miss. Intruder~" His voice croaks and twitches and his neck does the same...twitches...Except it cracks and pops, "I didn't even make a sound~!" His hand raises up ready to Strick again with the Hatch. He swung down but I was already out of the way where I was in front of him. I could shove him down the stairs and hear every bone in his body shake and rattle~
Wait what?! No!
The man child's leg swings at me getting me in the ribs, I gasp for air and jump back catching my air. I fell to my knees and hold my ribs.
My nose and eyes trickle, it's happening. I wipe my face and look up at him.
His face shifts to confusion and puzzled, then he soon realizes something. "Oh shit! Shit Shit shit! Slendy is gonna kill me!"
My insides felt like they were dying that was a heavy kick. Like a brick.
He puts his axes up and walks over to help me.
"Nope nope," I held my finger up, "Give me a sec to process this pain." I lay my face on the cold floor boards.
"If you don't get up Slendy is gonna kill me."
"Who's fault was that?"
"What how?!"
"Idk it's just yours."
"....Imma lay here and die ok?" I felt the pain start to roll away.
"No uppies!! Slendy is gonna kick my ass!"
Footsteps came from behind me, "What the...Toby...Wtf dude..." It was Jeff, "you knew we had a guest!"
"I'm sorry! I didn't know what they looked like."
I heard him Facepalm, "Offender is going to rip you in half."
"S-shit I better hide!" Toby stutters and runs away.
I felt Jeff help me up, "Your fine, if you weren't I would've gotten Slendy to take you to the hospital."
I stood, "Yeah Yeah..." I clutch my nose close to stop the flow, I don't know what to do about my eyes though. It was starting to cloud up my vision.
"Ew...your getting...whatever everywhere."
"I can't control it have you ever Bleed out tar?"
He inhales as if to say something then stops.
"That's what's I thought. Could you help me to Slendy I need an explanation."
"Mkay" He walks letting me Follow behind.
My vision was so blurry to the point where Jeff was a White blur.
"Slendy she's awake."
"Perfect timing."
I wipe my eye with both of my hands, pretty sure I made it worse because everything went black.
I heard footsteps near me making me on my guard, what if I was going to get hit again or killed...I raise my arms trying to guard any possibilities.
"Y/N? You ok?" Slendy stood in front of me.
"I-I can't see..."
"...hmm" I hear him walk away from me.
"Dude you can't see?" I felt Jeff wave his hand in front of me.
"No.....I can feel you waving your hand though..."
"Huh cool."
"No it's not! I can't see! It's pitch black!!"
"Eh I think it's cool."
"Move Jeff." Slendy walks back over and presses something wet on my face. A rag? Then he slowly wipes my eyes.
He stops, "How about now?"
I open my eyes....darkness, "No...."
"Huh I'm sure it's....nothing serious." A hint of worry was founded in his voice. It reminds me of Offender...
"Wait where's Offender???"
"Huh?" Surprise could be heard in his voice, "At his mansion I told him not to come in so he won't bother you-"
"Do you have a phone I could use and his number?" I look around for a response and the position he's in.
"....I do...and yes....But I think we should ta-"
"Yes I want to talk but I need to speak to him first." I cut him off.
"..." He walks away and walks back to me and hands me a ringing phone.
"Thank you." I try walking away from everyone as much as possible so I could talk to him properly.
The number you have dialed will not pick up please try again or leave a voicemail on the sound of the beep~!
"Hey's Y/N. I wanted to call but didn't have your number so I'm using Slendy phone I think...."
I lean against the wall and slide down and place my knees to my chest and face on my knees with the phone still to my ear.
"....I'm scared...I don't know what's going on...Everything is so loud and and I can't see anything but black....I-I miss you...A-And I need you........."
I felt more tears roll down my cheeks, "Well your probably busy or I'll let you do whatever..Bye."
And I press the end button.
My heart shatters at the fact I went straight to voicemail.

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