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"Renjun?" The crying boy looked up and seen the boy from the mall. "Nana?" He ran into the others arms whimpering and nuzzling into his chest. "Why're you crying Injunnie?" He whispered into the others hair softly. "I'm just tired" he lied and wiped his eyes.

"Well I'll walk you to class?" Renjun nodded and grabbed the others hand as they walked to class together earning many stares and whispers. "Nana why are they staring at me?" He whispered as he got closer to the tall male. "Don't worry injunnie I'll protect you." He beamed and walked the boy to class. "Alright I'll get you after second hour." He ruffled Renjun's hair and jogged off to his own class.

The day went by pretty fast with Renjun being escorted everywhere by Jaemin and they even ate lunch together. But atlas happiness doesn't last for Renjun and he found himself being cornered by three boys. "Neijoon, yoshida, haijime please leave me alone." He whispered and tried to push past them until he was slammed back into the locker.

"We're talking to you!" Yoshida spit out as he grabbed the wheezing boy by the hair. "Awe the little bitch is out of breath." He giggled and slapped Renjun. "You're probably wondering why we're paying so much attention to the likes of you. Well it's simple Jaemin has taken an interest in you, which I can't have because I'm next in line with Jaemin and Neijoon are next in line for Jeno so move around."

Renjun smiled and laughed while steadying his breath. "So it's over a boy? I bet you were real pissed then, but how is it my fault you feel like you're spot is threatened by my mere existence?" Yoshida smiled and punched Renjun in the face, followed by many more assaults which left the boy on the ground instinctively protecting his belly. "What the fuck are you doing Yoshida??!!"

Yeonjun ran over followed by his overprotective boyfriend. He stood over the group and glared at the white hair male. "If you touch him again yoshida i can promise you my boyfriend will gladly deal with you." Soobin smiled and cracked his knuckles and while staring the scared male in his eyes.

"Whatever yeonjun that's why we dropped you!!" He huffed and stomped away with his group and yeonjun ran over to Renjun who still protected his belly and nothing else. "Renjun please you're safe now." The boy looked up with a bloody nose and a black eye. "Sorry"

Renjun fainted in yeonjun's arms and the elder boy smiled softly. "You should've let Soobin beat the shit out of him." Keeho spoke while pushing a wheelchair over to them. "I'll call his brother and tell him he's with me." Yeonjun nodded and looked at Keeho. "When i come over i better see soul!!" Yeonjun huffed and stomped off while keeho rolled Renjun to his car.

Two hours had passed and Renjun woke up to a small boy with long thick , Raven hair staring at him. "Momma up!!" He yelled and stumbled out of the room. "Soul go mess with grandma or uncle!" Keeho huffed as he walked into the his room with the med kit. "It's fine I'll just go" Keeho rolled his eyes and began to clean Renjun's bruises and bloody nose. "Broken or bloody?" Renjun pinched his nose and sighed in relief as it wasn't broken.

After about two hours of the two laughing and getting along Renjun remembered he'd have to go home soon. "Keeho is your friend staying over for dinner?" A tall red head asked from the doorway. "No get out" The red hair male shrugged and left the room smirking at Renjun. "Ew did he really?" Keeho made gagging noises, while picking up his keys.

The pair made their way to Renjun's house and upon arrival Keeho stops the elder from getting out of the car. "You can sit with me and yeonjun tomorrow" Renjun nodded and unlocked the front door. "Renjun where have you been?? Renjun are you okay??" Everyone bombarded him with questions and as he opened his mouth, the foulest stench surrounded him snd doubled over throwing up.

"Ahh Xiaojun take him to the bathroom jun start the tea Chen you clean up this mess." Seungho ordered while he ran to the room to grab something. Twenty minutes passed and jun,Xiaojun and renjun were all cuddling on the couch the smell from earlier gone. "I didn't know you hated broccoli that much?" Jun giggled and ruffled Renjun's hair.

The three boys fell asleep together on the couch and woke up all feeling groggy. "Okay no school boys let's all just relax today I'll call you out of school." Seungho called from the hall.
The day was slow but in a good way and the three brothers enjoyed themselves.

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