24. Revelation of Marriage

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A/N: I am back guys ...I will update as usual from now today onwards,... you will get one more chapter today double update ......I will update my another story My Doc within 2 weeks ...please read my Doc too and gave your opinion it will help me to decide whether I have to continue to write that story .

Forth's POV

Damn Forth you are seriously need a brain surgery, he is asking about the date

I decided to say sorry to my grumpy kitten, so took my phone and ordered white Lilly Beam's favorite flower , some time later I saw my kitten came out of the bathroom without giving me a look he rushed out of the room, thank god I already informed Pha and Kit about my plan so my Beamee will be safe with them.

When I received the bouquet I rushed to the place where Beam is spending time with his friends , when Pha and Kit saw me from the distance they left Beam alone what they told I didn't know I only get a best of luck signal from both of them, I slowly made my way to Beam and placed the bouquet to Beam's hand I saw a smile from Beam'\s face when he received the flower, then he looked at the owner of the hand which holding the flower that is me his face become furious and hurriedly he tried to move from there , I cant allow him to leave I immediately hold his hand and pushed him towards my chest ,and hugged him from back 

Forth let me go............FORTHHHHHHH.....LET ME GO

 I cant allow him to leave I turned his face towards me and without any delay I captured his lips , I can feel Beam is now calming down, at first he tried to resist then he kissed me back , it was a deep kiss I could feel my body is acting for something more but I have to control first before act, when I felt Beam needs air to breath I released him I can see my babies face become all read and he is blushing from embarrassment.

"Baby.......please look at me....you looks adorable when you blush ........shall we continue here or room what you say?....

beam gave me a small slap on my hand turned his head around towards the see , he looks more beautiful due to the lighting , I hugged him again from the back this time he didn't protest he put his head on my shoulder and we stayed like that suddenly my baby spoke to me

Forthy.........do you hate me ?

No Baby why ?..you are my everything how can I hate you honey I asked him sadly

 Then why did you avoid me? why did you ignored my effort ? why did you left me alone without saying a word ? You know I felt like you don't love me anymore Beam cried after saying that

Oh god I made him sad, I need to tell him all of his thoughts are wrong , we have to communicate more

I slowly pulled Beam's hand and directed him to near by chair and placed him on my lap and I hugged his waist



Baby I never ever hate you , you are my life Beam you know I fell for you when I met you first with Pha because of my insecurity I never approached you , when my father arranged our wedding I was on cloud nine you know why honey? Because I am going to marry my love of life , I know I have taken you  for granted for last two days but that was not my intention , when you become sad at that time I realised my mistake ....sorry Beamee I will never do this again...please forgive your hubby baby...

Its ok Forthy....I am became a lot emotional these days , I know your intention never was to hurt me but what to do I couldn't control the feeling of insecurity

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