3.My Fiance is an Engineering Gang Leader

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Beam pov

I know my friends are concerned about me, they think they left me alone, but for me they are enjoying the next chapter of their lives "LOVE"💓 I am not fortunate enough to get love of my life so I decided to stop searching for it, from a long time I know I am interested in men when my Dada told he want me to get married as soon as possible I told him I dont have any opposition if Dada select my future husband himself

Dada was very happy and I want him to be always happy. Dada and mom loved me like their life on me, if I have a choice I will ask them as my parents if I have a next life, I know mom is little bit overprotective because she always doubt something bad will happen to me
Pha and Kit will tell always my mom is like my bodyguard, I know my parents thought I feel dejected after pha and kit love life started so that they wanted me to marry, they are so protective that straight marriage no dating.

Dada wanted to talk to me so I am in front of our company to meet my Dada , you know I am a Dada's boy I know mom likes me but Dada is my support system always be there for me,. I know about Dada left bodyguards behind me but I never confronted him I know if I have only one son and that son is very delicate I will behave like my Dada and Mom. I sound like spoiled right dont take me wrong my parents was so strict they won't allow me to do any unethical

My mom don't even allow me to enter pub she always scared of something will happen to me if I go to crowded places. I am sure my Dada will choose 24/7 bodyguard for me instead of a husband, anyways I am now standing in the entrance of our company , here nobody knows me because Dada never introduced me to public he was scared of his rivals ,after my marriage he will introduce me and my husband as heirs of our company. In this company father's secretary knows about me, I came here for the first time Dada never called me here may be he wanted to talk to me without mom's presence.

I slowly entered I found the reception lady was looking at me I took my phone and messaged to P New my father's secretary, he told me to wait there he will come and pick me up, I know my facial features is like my Dada's so anybody will guess I am his son. Few minutes later P New came to me and brought me to my Dada's cabin, I came here before when I was small. Dada was not there P new told me to wait for Dada currently he is attending some investors meeting

After few minutes Dada arrives with a small smile on his face he came near me and hugged me and kissed my whole face I was irritated

Me: Dada dont lick na?

Dada: Why my boy is so handsome I am so happy today, You are thinking why I called you in company at this night time, actually your mom went for a camp so I thought I will have lunch with my son

Me: Dada where are we going?

Dada: your favourite place

Me: really I can have padathai

Dada: you can have whatever you want; we can forget your mom's cooking for one day

Me: Mom will kill you Dada if she found about it.

Dada: I know your mom looks like a fairy but she actually is a goon

Me: Dada you are bad mouthing mom I will tell her

Dada: I know my little man will never tell his mom

Me: Dada ...😛 you know me very well

Dada: you are my son so I dont have anything to worry

Me: Dada I am starving lets get going

Dada: Sure little one 

Me and Dada went to my favorite place, I know Mom wont allow us to have lunch outside, she tell us homely food is good for health, you know m mom will send lunch box for me , Pha and kit everyday so that we dont have to eat from canteen , but sometimes we will gave our lunch boxes to seniors to have our canteen's most delicious food, I know Dada knows about it but he wont tell to mom, if I got married she will also send lunch boxes to my husband .

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