15 - Cute Puppy

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Milena looked at the strange man in white who was snuggling her. She guessed that he was a doctor based on his white coat he wore and the medical kit bag he carried. She again wondered why she wasn't uncomfortable with him. In fact, she felt a little warm inside and a soft smile involuntarily appeared on her face. The man looked like he was around her age but somehow acted more childish than the little boy who was said to be her son in the room. She immediately felt a comfortable fondness for him. Milena knew that she must have cared for him. She loved him but not in a way that she felt she must have loved Rien but a love for family like what she has for Gabriel. But unlike Gabriel who protected her, Milena felt more like she was supposed to protect the clingy man.

Seeing the little smile of fondness that Milena had while she looked at Charles with curiosity, in unconsciously synchronized movements, Rien and Aric folded their arms over their chests, rolled their eyes and discontentedly sneered before glaring at the doctor. They were both obviously unhappy, especially Aric. He has always heard of his Uncle Charles being his Daddy's love rival but he didn't realize until that moment that the doctor was more his rival for his Mommy's maternal affection.

Looking at the man, a memory flashed in Milena's mind, a little boy with lustrous waves of golden hair like the sun and shining gray eyes brimmed with tears that he stubbornly refused to shed. His face and clothes were dirty and there were several red marks on his plump cheeks and arms. His noble clothes were soiled all over but he stood straight and determined before her with his fists clenched on his sides. 

They were 5 years old then. She was dressed in a yellow princess dress with a big white bow around the waist. She wore long white socks and pretty yellow shoes. A pair of braided pigtails with tiny ribbons at the ends fell on either side of her lovely face. She smiled a victorious smile that was brighter than the sun and warmed the little boy's heart. 

Back then, Charles was always bullied by the other kids in kindergarten because he was a boy who had a face more beautiful than a girl and Milena, like a beautiful fairy that came to his rescue whenever he was in trouble, who was the daughter of the most powerful seigneur at that time and also well-trained in martial arts for self defense since she learned how to walk always defended him. She was also small and was not an expert yet but she was still strong enough to defend against the group of three boys. 

That moment, the two kids had just ran away after little Milena left the three bullies writhing and crying in pain. Little Charles knew she would get in trouble with the teachers again for defending him. Although she never got more than staying in the library alone for an hour as punishment because of the influence of her father, little Charles hated that he was the cause of it all. 

The two beautiful children hid behind a tree in the apple orchard at the back of the school. Spirited little Milena was giggling after her triumph but little Charles seriously stood in front of her. 

"Milena, one day, I will be strong and brave and I will beat those bullies! You don't have to get in trouble for me anymore." Little Charles's young and small voice spoke with determination as he fought back his stubborn tears. "Dear fairy, you won't have to defend me anymore. I will stay by your side and protect you. When we grow up, I will marry you! You can depend on me for all your life!"

For a few seconds little Milena did not understand what her friend was saying, they were children of noble families and marriage was discussed to them at a very early age. She kept silent until, "Pfft!", she couldn't hold her laughter.

"Don't laugh at me. I'm serious, Milena. I will marry you when we grow up. I'll tell my father to go to the seigneur to propose a marriage between our families right now!" Little Charles insisted. 

Little Milena suppressed her laughter and placed a hand on her hip then asked, "What if I don't agree?"

"Why?" Little Charles felt lost. 

"What if you never become stronger and braver than me? How can you protect me then? How can I depend on you? In that case, I won't marry you. Besides, my parents already agreed to an engagement to the eldest son of the Fernandez family." She shrugged. 

"Then… then… I will still stay by your side. Anyway, you will never get rid of me all your life. You have to promise to let me be with you no matter what. Even if you keep me as a puppy. I don't care!" Little Charles declared, his determination unwavered. 

Little Milena sighed and reached her hand out to rub his head. "You're too cute to refuse. Okay, you can stay by my side." Her beautiful brown eyes sparkled as she smiled brilliantly. "Puppy."

At the same time in that memory, adult Milena who sat on the bed with the adult Charles hugging her tightly called the same name in a whisper. The man who held her stared at her in shock and everyone else who heard it froze. She remembered! She remembered something! All is not lost. They were all overjoyed except for the two Fernandez men beside the bed, one big and one small, who were both disappointed at the same time that their most-cherished person's first memory was not of either of them. Their cold and sharp eyes fell on the object of their jealousy.

In fear of startling his childhood friend, Charles quickly adjusted his mood and spoke, "Sweet fairy, look at how fierce your husband is to your darling puppy." Charles whined. "I really don't get why you fell in love with this iceberg." He pouted. 

The smile on Milena's face slowly faded and she frowned at what the doctor said, "Is he really my husband?"

Rien felt a sharp pang in his heart and he scowled after hearing his wife's question. "So you didn't believe me? You would rather ask this annoying clown than believe your own husband?", he thought but didn't say a word. 

Charles was stunned for a moment then immediately recognized Milena's condition. He was instantly curious and concerned. He couldn't wait to give her a thorough checkup to find out what happened to her and what the effects of the accident to her health in the past three years were. Although he felt that way, he still acted silly to lighten Milena's mood. He hurriedly nodded to respond to her question, "Yes, he is," he said then added, "But if you regret it now, you can leave him and be with me." He smiled charmingly and blinked his eyes rapidly like a little boy waiting for his candy.

Rien clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, seething in anger, but he still kept silent and didn't interrupt the two friends's reunion. He clearly saw how his wife's mood lifted around her oldest friend. He was somehow grateful for Charles Bernard for that but he also kept in mind to give him a difficult time in the future. There were several projects from the Bernard family for approval on his desk and there's the constant pressure from Charles's parents for their son to get married. The seigneur quietly sneered and plotted his revenge.

Charles's adorable expression made Milena chuckle and momentarily forget her concerns. She wondered how a doctor could act so silly. She shook her head. "I wouldn't know if I regret it. I don't remember a lot of things. I don't remember him." 

Charles nodded and his expression turned into a pensive mood. He took her hand and looked into her eyes. Milena and everyone knew then that the doctor was done playing and was seriously thinking. "Darling fairy…" Although he was somber, he was still used to calling her affectionately. "Three years ago, you were involved in a fatal accident. I don't know what happened to you exactly. Your husband tirelessly looked for you day and night for years. Though you're sitting here, looking as beautiful as ever, as a doctor, I could sense that there are more serious conditions that we can't see on the surface. The fact that you don't remember your dearest family is just a part of it. I'm sure you have a million questions now too. If you could trust me, I would like to give you a thorough checkup so we can all have clearer answers."

Milena stared at him quietly as she contemplated on what he told her. There were some questions in her mind over the years. Although she never questioned her parent's love for her and firmly believed that they would intentionally harm her, she always felt that they were hiding something from her. She also could not understand why she felt something for the people around her in the room that did not make sense according to her memory. 

After some time, she nodded slowly. "I trust you."

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