13 - Rabbit Hole

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"How long are you going to look at me without saying a word like that? Are you really not going to answer any of my questions?" The woman who was on the bed frowned and looked at Sophie discontentedly but the Madam's words and reaction only made her heart flutter with warmth. 

She pressed her lips together to hold back her smile as she stared at the woman who glared and pouted at her with her arms folded over her chest. The young madam was as adorable and spirited as ever, if not for what she was told that Milena had lost her memories and the constant dull pain in her heart that reminded her of their loss three years ago, Sophie would believe that everything was as normal as it was when the whole Fernandez home was as warm, loving and carefree as the woman in front of her.

Milena was even more annoyed when she saw the woman's reaction. Was she laughing at me? If that woman hadn't stopped her, she would've loved to get up and leave wherever the heck she was like she intended to when she woke up, especially since the first thing that assailed her when she regained consciousness was the familiar scent of the man on the sheets. Who knew such a tall woman could move as quick as a mouse yet be as strong as an elephant? She wasn't even given a chance to lift the duvet that covered her when she was pressed down by her shoulders and told in a cold voice that she should remain lying down. 

She wasn't daring enough to fight, not in her condition. She felt inexplicably weak and her head felt light. Looking at the woman, she estimated that even with her usual strength, she wouldn't stand a chance if she decided to escape.

The woman looked cold and intimidating and Milena was annoyed with her but somehow, she didn't feel threatened by her or did she find herself hating her. 

But she still needed some answers so she continued to pry "Where am I? What happened to me? Why am I here? Who are you people?" Milena shot one question after the other in one breath. 

Sophie finally couldn't help it and chuckled lightly. Milena was still the same stubborn, vibrant and persistent lady that she knew. It seemed that character was not based on memories. The beautiful woman in front of her was still the same adorable young lady that insisted for her big sister Sophie to wear a pink dress that matched hers for her 16th birthday. Sophie Zhang only had dark-colored items in her wardrobe. Her character had always been unmovable and relentless. She wouldn't be caught dead wearing vibrant colors, let alone a pink dress but she did so to make Milena happy. Despite their differences in status, the young madam never treated her differently and gave her the same genuine affection that a sister would. So Sophie, inevitably, loved Milena like her own little sister. Although, she never expressed it outright and no one could tell except Milena herself.

"I am not in the position to give you this information, madam. The little master ran out to call the master the moment you stirred and started to wake up. They will explain everything to you?" Sophie answered patiently.

Having the ice woman finally respond to her, Milena calmed down and thought, "Master? Little Master? What kind of bizarre rabbit hole did I fall into?"

Out loud, she asked again, "Do I have to keep lying down on this bed like an idiot when I'm already awake? Am I being held captive?" 

Sophie smiled softly and Milena noticed how pure the woman's beauty was when she didn't have that female killer robot expression. On the other hand, as Sophie looked at the glaring Milena, she was reminded that this ball of sunshine in the Fernandez home came in both forms-- warm and bright as well as fiery and scalding. 

Meanwhile, outside the door, Aric tugged on his father's sleeve and frowned, "Daddy, how long are we going to stand here?" He looked at Rien with a frown and pout and if one could see what was happening inside the room, they would see that his expression was exactly the same as his mother's. The young lord was obviously displeased. It was rare for him to do so but he ran out as soon as he saw his Mommy waking up to give his Daddy the honor to meet her first when she did. Should he have known that his father would stand stupidly outside the door instead of going in, he should have jumped on the bed and into his Mommy's embrace first. 

The little boy couldn't see it because his mind and heart was filled by his longing to meet his mother again but Mister Samuel who stood behind them could. The reputable seigneur who has expanded the business conglomerate that his father left and who has raised their territory to be the best in the country with his formidable abilities, dauntless determination and quick actions was actually nervous. There were only three instances that Mister Samuel saw the seigneur in such state, first was when he stood waiting for his bride down the aisle, second was when he paced back and forth outside the delivery room when the young lord was born and that moment as he stood outside the door. Only Milena had the power to leave the great Seigneur Rien Fernandez helpless and scared like that.

Rien stood uncertain outside the door, listening to the conversation inside. His heart was struck with every word Milena spoke and the distress in her voice broke him. His emotions and thoughts were in total disarray. As much as every part of him longed to barge into the room and hold her in his arms, he was also terrified of how she would react to him. 

"Daddy!" Aric snapped at his father and stomped his foot when the seigneur still didn't move.

Finally, Rien snapped out of his trance and cleared his throat. He straightened his shoulders and masked his inner turmoil with his usual confident composure. "Let's go," he said calmly and opened the door.

When they walked in, Milena was already sitting up and they were met by two wide brown eyes. Rien felt his heart assaulted again and felt breathless while Aric giddily restrained himself from running to his Mommy. The young lord stood obediently beside his aristocratic father like any good little nobleman would. The handsome sight caught Milena off-guard for a moment and her heart quivered. 

"You… You're the little boy from last night." She spoke softly and she felt her heart swell when the little boy smiled widely.

"Yes. I am!" Aric grinned. He wanted to say more but felt his father's cold glare on him. He decided to let his Daddy take charge of the situation. He thought that he could surely make his father pay him back for allowing him that honor in the future. He turned to the taller version of himself and said, "This is my Daddy."

Milena's eyes were stuck on Rien for a while and she felt her heart skip a beat. "It's him!" She thought. But how could he be standing before her like that? Wasn't he just a man in her dreams? Even though she never saw him clearly in her dreams, her heart was certain it was him and her soul recognized an instant connection to him. Suddenly, she felt the pain in her head again. "Ah!" She gasped and clutched her forehead.

"Milena!" Without much thought, Rien launched forward and quickly went to her side then pulled her into his arms while everyone looked on although they all moved closer to her too. 

The man's warmth, his strong and familiar embrace and his unique masculine fragrance from her memory filled Milena's senses and, much to her bewilderment, soothed her. After a few minutes, the pain passed and she slowly raised her head to look at his face. 

"You… What did you call me?" Her beautiful eyes swept over his handsome features then she frowned. His eyes looked at her with extreme tenderness and concern and though his arms held her tight, she could feel their gentleness and care. No matter how she tried, she couldn't understand why he would look at her that way. "Who are you?"

A tensed silence followed that question as everyone held their breaths and they nervously anticipated what the seigneur's response would be. No matter what, they were all prepared to put on an act according to his answer if he decided not to tell the truth. Not one of them doubted that Rien was the best person to make that decision for his wife. 

Rien smiled softly as he stared lovingly into her eyes. "Milena. You're my Milena." Milena felt herself melting in the affection she found in his gaze. And though, it was the first that she heard anyone call her that name, it felt right to her. She didn't question it anymore.

"And I am Rien. Your Rien…" Rien spoke unhurriedly as he relished the moment that he finally got to hold his most beloved in his arms again like that. He then gently brushed some stray hair away from face then carefully tucked them behind her ear. "I'm your husband."

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