3 - Strongest Rival

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As Mia convinced herself that it was all a dream, the man who just left the room stepped out and faced a very real adversary. Perhaps, the only one who could make the powerful Seigneur Rien Fernandez nervous-- a much younger and smaller version of himself, his son Young Lord Aric. 

The young lord stood before the influential nobleman with his hands inside his front pockets and his little dimpled chin raised to look at his father dead in the eye. 

Two young but very sharp brown eyes pierced through the seigneur then stared at him sternly from head to toe. The nobleman unconsciously rubbed his lips and fixed his wrinkled shirt under the child's cavilling glare. Seeing his movements, the little boy snorted disgustedly and crossed his arms over his chest. "What atrocious thing have you done to my Mommy?", the young lord asked angrily in a firm but immature voice. 

The seigneur sneered then raised an eyebrow and tucked his hands inside his front pockets as he confronted the little man. "What I do with my wife is none of your business, little boy."

"It is too my business!" Aric growled and stomped his feet angrily, momentarily losing his noble temperament and reacting like the little child that he should be before regaining his composure. He exhaled heavily and glared at his father then spoke in a calmer voice that was laced with disdain. "She is my Mommy. I worked so hard to get her here, if you scare my Mommy away, I swear that I will make you regret it for the rest of your life."

"Hah! You mean kidnap her?" Rien snorted and looked at his son like he just heard the most ridiculous thing. "I'd like to see what a little kidnapper like you can do to make me regret anything except allowing you to grow as arrogant as you are." He smirked smugly.

"I am not a kidnapper! I just want to be with my Mommy!" Aric's cheeks puffed in anger but he clenched his fists and lifted his chin to challenge his father's stare. "I would run away with my Mommy and support her to be with any husband she chooses. It will be easy for us to never allow you to see us ever again." Aric was smart, he knew that his father only loved him as much because of his mother. If he wasn't born of the seigneur's most beloved and only treasure, the young lord wouldn't be half as privileged as he was. He could only threaten his father in this way. 

Seigneur Rien's smug expression gradually faded and a hint of fear could be seen in his eyes but he still kept his cold and domineering facade. "What "any husband she chooses"? She already chose a husband. That's me! I'm her husband and I won't let her leave me again!" 

Bingo. That was what the little boy wanted to hear. Over the years, the young lord has started to doubt that his father didn't want to find his mother bad enough but seeing the glint of fear and desperation in his eyes, no matter how well-masked it was, the child was satisfied. After doing his own search over the past year, Aric also understood the challenges his father had met in finding his Mommy. He hasn't gotten to the root of it but he also found that all the searches for his Mommy that was done by his Daddy, no matter how extensive, has been blocked. Some invisible but very powerful force was keeping the seigneur from finding his wife. Although Aric was more than willing to partner up with his father in finding out who kept them from reuniting with his Mommy, he wouldn't want to let go of his incompetent Dad that easy. He spent three years without a mother because of him.

Aric sneered. "She doesn't remember you at all. She doesn't remember anything from her past and is happy with her current life. She will only hate you if you forced her to stay with you?"

Rien's eyebrow lifted as he snorted, "You're one to talk. Didn't you kidnap her and brought her here in the first place?"

"I…" Aric stuttered. "I was a child without a mother, okay? When she hugged me earlier and let me sleep in her arms, I didn't want to let her go again. I just wanted my Mommy. Can't I just be a child who wants his Mommy back?" The young lord's voice broke and he blinked back his tears. Rien was stunned and felt a tightness in his chest as he watched his son fight back his pain. 

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