Mama Spider

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Yeah so just a warning... I am completely improvising this story with no plan in mind. Yeah


*No one's POV*

Natasha Romanoff, AKA Black Widow, was the last person anyone thought the spider kid would warm up to. Mostly because of the terrifying aura that always seems to surround her wherever she goes, an aura that shuts people up and gets them to listen to her for they know that she is a force to be reckoned with. Until she met the spider kid, everyone was intimidated by her and the aura that surrounds her, but as Spidey got closer to her, they started to notice the small changes in her behaviour, like only mildly threatening people after they take her stuff (mostly Clint) or  offering to go buy coffee for everyone after a hard mission. In short, The Black Widow has turned kinder, yet still badass, ever since she met Peter Parker.

Which is why we see her leaning against her bike outside Midtown High, waiting to pick up her Baby Spider. A few minutes after she reached the school, Nat heard the distinct sound of the school bell and as if on cue, a crowd of students ran out the door, ready to get away from what they call "hell on earth" or as normal, civilized humans (and aliens) call "their school". 

She scanned the crowd, eager to find the brunet and surprise him with her amazing presence, yet she failed to see where he was. Thinking that he must be in the midst of the crowd, she waited a while but as the crowd slowly dispersed, she grew worried as the spider kid was still yet to be found. She stuck around for a couple more minutes until she grew impatient and went inside the school, only to find the spider kid bloodied and bruised, trying to get to his locker.

*A few minutes earlier*

Peter had finished his last class jittering with excitement. He had aced his Maths and Science test and The Tony Stark had told him that there would be a surprise waiting for him after school. Ever since his apartment caught on fire, Mr. Stark had convinced his Aunt May to move into the tower and she agreed, albeit reluctantly, partly because of Peter's puppy eyes which no one could refuse and because it would be easier and safer for Peter to be Spider-Man if he lived in the tower. 

As Peter walked towards his locker, head in the clouds, he failed to notice students crowding around him and another student whom he had yet to see. He came back to reality when he was violently grabbed by his hoodie, momentarily cutting of his air-flow. When his attacker let go, Peter sunk to the ground, coughing and greedily sucking oxygen into his lungs. As his vision cleared he saw that his attacker was the one and only Flash Thompson, who had bullied him ever since he joined this school. Peter went to get up but he was abruptly pushed back by said attacker, and a loud thud was heard as his head hit the floor. 

Peter, feeling dazed and disoriented, slowly opened his eyes, yet before he could even think about moving, he was roughly grabbed by his shoulders by two of Flash's goons and was held tightly with his legs dangling off the ground, so close, yet so far. His spidey senses warned him of the incoming punch from Flash, but he let it happen anyway, because it would be deemed suspicious if Puny Peter Parker dodged one of Flash Thompson's punches. This went on for roughly 5 yet to Peter, it felt like an hour. By the end of Flash's session, Peter was so bruised and bloody that he couldn't even stand up properly. The students who stayed until the end slowly disbanded, laughing and joking.

Peter groaned, seeing black edges around his eyes. It was supposed to be a good day for him yet Flash had to ruin it all. He crawled towards his locker, gasping every now an then as a fresh wave of pain hit him. He didn't realize that he was crying until he felt tears slowly making its way down his cheeks. What had he done to deserve this? 

Soon enough, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps echoing through the halls of the school, and a familiar voice calling out his name. Natasha. He heard her coming closer so he looked down and he heard a small gasp coming from the red head standing in front of him. As the darkness filled his eyes he looked up, and the last thing he saw before passing out was the assassins deadly face, only it wasn't aimed at him, but at something behind him...


Holy crap, this has to be my favourite chapter so far!! I love how it turned out and I hope you guys will too. There will be a part 2

Peace out yall!


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