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Tony had never been the type to get jealous, but ever since a certain spider child came into his life, he has been very possessive. For instance, there was a time when Tony hated the fact that Peter spent more time with his Dummy and Butterfingers (trying to improve them) than with Tony. 

At first, he didn't mention it, I mean, they were robots! But as time went on Tony saw less of Peter and more improved Dummy's than he would care to admit so he stormed down to his lab to see Peter on the ceiling surrounded by dummy's and butterfingers' holding a book. He also noticed that thERE WAS A FRICKEN PORTAL TO HELL OPENING UP IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS LAB AND DEMONS CRAWLING OUT OF IT, STANDING TO ATTENTION. I mean, to be honest, he would too if Peter was the one giving orders. Anyway, Peter noticed him standing at the door with the most bizarre expression ever, one that even I, the author, cant explain... anyway, Peter went up to Tony and Tony managed to choke out 

"Heyyyyyyy kid, whacha up to?" And Peter replied with the obvious

"I'm planning world domination with my army of robots and demons, I thought that was obvious?"...Ok, I lied... What he really said was

"I was hungry, and I really wanted sandwiches so I built an army of robots to make me some, but obviously that didn't work so I found this book in that drawer on your desk where it says 'DO NOT OPEN, DANGEROUS STUFF INSIDE!!!' And I assumed that was where you kept all your foodie stuff because you don't wanna admit that you're a secret foodie,"

Tony muttered incoherently.

"And," Peter continued, ignoring Tony "I saw this spell thing and I yet again assumed that was supposed to be a portal to your favourite sandwich place because it said 'for sandwiches' above the spell so I used it, and apparently, it wasn't... it was actually a portal to the underworld so you should prolly rename that"

"Actually, the underworld has excellent sandwiches!" Tony exclaimed

So then they went down into the underworld, said a quick 'Hi!' to Hades and Persephone (Because it was winter) and went to the sandwich shop.

"I still can't believe you've never had an underworld sandwich, these are to die for!! (Geddit?)" Tony said. I wouldn't know though, I wasn't there...

And that's the story of how Peter accidentally opened a portal to the underworld and how he and Tony had an amazing sandwich.

*Few Hours Later*

Peter : Wait a sec... I WAS RIGHT!! YOU ARE A FOODIE

Tony : *Muffled groans*



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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