Chapter 5

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It had been a week since my first appointment and I didn't feel any better, they said I'd feel better!

I walked up to my therapists office with heavy steps, I hate it here. Talking about how the love of my life died and I couldn't do anything about it, thats not making me feel better! If anything it just makes things worse, to have to relive the best moments with him, it's unbearable.

I knocked on her door, and soon after I was sitting on that couch and talking my heart out.

It's been 3 weeks since I met him, and he is already settled down in my heart. I feel like my heart is gonna explode whenever I see him, or when he text me. We have grown quite close in the last few weeks, he is often over at my house watching a movie or just hanging out. My feelings are soon getting to difficult to handle, it hurts knowing he will never like me the same way.

Today he is supposed to come over to watch the hunger games movies, but I don't know if I can. I don't know if I can be friends with him without hurting every time I see him.

I heard a knock on my door. I walked and peeked through the peeking hole in the door, and there i he was fixing his hair. Louis. I opened and his face lit up, I couldn't help but smile.

"hazza! Ready for hunger games?!" he was so excited, I couldn't look him in the eyes.

"haz.. What's wrong?" I could feel him staring at me.

"I don't think we can be friend anymore..." I look down on the floor, it's suddenly the most interesting thing in the world.

"W-what, Harry?" his voice was shaking and I forced myself to look at him. Big mistake. He had tears in his eyes and he was looking at me like I killed his puppy.

"we won't work, not like this..." I started...

"like what? Harry talk to me!" he was now desperate and grabbing my arms, shaking me.

"Louis, we won't work... Because...." I cut myself off, I can't tell him!!! He'll hate me!

"why!?" he continued shaking me "Harry! Talk to me!!"

"because I have feelings for you..."

Well, I'm not dead.. Yet...
I have decided on going short chapters, I like writing and all but short ones are more fun ending...

I will try updating more, but no promises... But i will update!!!

<3 Emilie

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