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Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, Tokyo, 2018

"Ah! Give me my chocolate bar," Noriko grumbled, kicking the vending machine in front of her. The frail metal dented. It'd taken her money and then when she'd pressed the button for the snack she wanted, the chocolate had become caught between a shelf and the glass. Nobara gave her a quizzical glance, pulling the tab on her soda open.

"You should probably trying shaking it," she suggested, moving in front of the machine to grip it. She shook it and the bar dropped. "There."

"Ah, thank you, Nobara!" After an awkward week of getting over the guilt, she'd slowly come to be on first-name basis with her classmate. When Noriko wasn't studying scripture for inspiration, working out, honing her writing speed, or practicing casting her Domain in the seclusion of her room (which was almost all of her time), she and Nobara hung out. They talked about everything: swapping tips on energy control, boys, the latest fashion trends and manga. Megumi, of course, was included, however, he was more of a silent witness.

Noriko tore into her chocolate bar. Her mind was on other things as she scoffed the chocolate, throwing the wrapper into the bin.

That old man was going to show his face today at the school. Yoshinobu Gakuganji was head of the Kyoto sister school, and a man she'd met on very few occasions (being associated with the Kamo clan) and hated him every time. Gojo had given her a heads up, in case she didn't realise and launched into a fit rage. It was funny almost how little he thought of her ability to control her emotions. It wasn't like she'd just attack someone unprovoked - especially if they that important.

"Too hot," she groaned, slouching down on a bench. They'd ditched the uniforms today as they were 'training' (running errands for Maki), and even in a pair of black athletic shorts and an oversized t-shirt, she felt herself sweltering. "Oh, who are they meant to be?"

Noriko had moved onto her back as she lazed on the bench, fanning herself. Her dark eyes were locked on the two traditionally-dressed figures by the entranceway. Probably from Kyoto, she mused. The larger of the two was a tall, broad-set man she recognized as Aoi Todo - she was sure he kept the company of the Kamo heir - and the smaller one was a slim woman who bore striking resemblance to Maki Zenin - just with shorter hair. She instinctively hated her smug aura.

They stared the group of First Years down.

"What are you doing here, Zenin-senpai?" Megumi asked, raising an eyebrow at the duo across from them. Ah, so that's what it is, the dark-haired girl mused.

"Ah, she's one too? They do seem similar. Are they sisters?" Nobara queried, slinking back to sit alongside Noriko - who moved into a sitting position to accommodate her.

"They're twins."

"Don't call me that, Fushiguro-kun," the woman purred and Noriko supressed the urge to throw up. "You make me sound the same as Maki. Call me Mai."

"Oh? What's wrong with that?" Fushiguro shot her a stony stare. "What? I like Maki-senpai!"

Nobara sent her a questioning glance - she personally wasn't keen on any of the Second Years, but Noriko seemed to fit right in with them.

"So, these are the pinch hitters for Okkotsu and the third-years?" Aoi Todo's voice was cool and gravelly, and Noriko would've been intimidated if she'd perhaps cared a little bit more about their presence. Fushiguro, however, notably tensed up.

"We came here with the principal because we were worried about you. Your classmate died, right?" Mai purred, bringing her fingers to rest on her chin. "Was that hard? Or did you think nothing of it?"

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