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Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, Tokyo, 2018

"The Tokyo-Kyoto Sister School Exchange event will be held over two days. The first day is a group battle... the wacky cursed spirit exorcism race. The rules are simple. The first team to excorcise the second grade cursed spirit released in the designated area wins. Several third-grade and lower cursed spirits will be released into the designated area as well. If a winner is not decided by sundown, the team that exorcises the most wins. There are absolutely no other rules. Of course, you're welcome to sabotage the others, but remember you're all on the same team against curses. This exchange event will allow you to learn about yourselves and your comrades through competition. Be certain not to kill other competitors or injure them beyond recovery. That's all. You're dismissed until the event commences at noon."

Tokyo Side Meeting

"Uh, depending on how you look at it, this could be considered very extreme bullying." Yuji complained weakly, holding the mourning frame around his head. He was kneeling at the table, curiously looking around at his classmates - some of which he'd never seen before. He was relieved to be back, but things had changed a little too much in his absence for it to be a comfortable return. 

"Shut up and stay that way for a while." Nobara scowled, a vein popping out of her forehead as she stared down her now-alive classmate. "And what do you mean Noriko knew? She was the most shook up! When I get my hands on her...."

"Well, I thought she did! She said Sukuna wouldn't let me die so easily and that 'I'd be back on my feet in no time'," Yuji protested, glancing around the room. He wanted to see her - thank her for making his would-be last moments so comfortable, thank her for her reassurance... but more so, selfishly, he wanted to see her relief at his return. He wanted her to smile at him again, not the cold look she'd given Gojo before disappearing off when he first turned up. "Where is she? I thought this was meant to be a team meeting."

"I think she slipped away in the confusion, I didn't see her leave," Panda folded his arms as he tilted his head thoughtfully. Maki furrowed her brows as she watched the group. Where was Noriko? Involved in another of Gojo's secretive plans? " But... cut him some slack, Nobara. You've heard his explanation."

"Eh? The panda talked?"

"Salmon, salmon."

"What?" The dumbfounded boy glanced around at his seniors, a blank look on his face.

"Inumaki-senpai is a cursed speech user. Cursed speech is a technique that amplifies the power and compulsion of words." Fushiguro explained, tearing himself out of his thoughts. It was too much to handle for the space of one hour: to learn Yuji was back, and Noriko had known? Her sorrow was real... he'd seen it with his own eyes. He figured she must have just said it to reassure him in his 'final' moments... but the words did have a point: Sukuna wouldn't let his long-awaited vessel die. "He limits his vocabulary to keep others safe."

"So if he told someone to go die, they'd actually die?" Yuji queried, forgetting about the furious Nobara - who sulked on the opposite side of the table with a concerned Maki sat next to her. Of course, she was surprised that the first year was alive, but the bigger issue at hand was the group dynamic. Yuji's appearance had thrown everyone off - or at least, half their team - and she had no idea how to rework their plan to fit him. "That's useful."

"It's nothing that convenient." Elaborating, Panda took over from Fushiguro - noting the boys furrowed brows. "It's all case by case, depending on their difference in strength. If he uses powerful words, he's hit with massive feedback. Worst case, it could affect him. Limiting his vocabulary is a way for Toge to protect himself, as well."

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