Chapter 15

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I woke on a soft bed. Feeling battered and foggy. My eyes shot open. Mum laid beside me sleeping peacefully. I tried to wake up and was rewarded with a fierce throbbing of my head.

I looked at Mum and she stirred. She gave me a relieved smile then said "you are awake."

I smiled. "Yeah." I whispered. My mouth felt like it has been filled with cotton. I couldn't even get the words out clearly. I cleared my throat but the throbbing of my head forced me never to repeat the same mistake now.

Kelvin. Where is Kelvin? I looked around. He was not there. "Mum, mum, where is he?" I asked as I looked around again. I was in Kelvin's house and in the bedroom I slept in. "Who dear? Who?"

"Kelvin." I said. "He is alright." Mum assured me but I wanted to see him. I nearly lost him yesterday. "Where is he? I want to go to him."

"He is fine but right now, he is unconscious." Mum muttered. Oh No! Kelvin. "Where is Louis?" Did that guy get the punishment he deserved? I wanted see him suffering like how Kelvin did. I wanted him to pay.

"He is in the police station getting the help he deserves." Mum usually refer to punishments as help because it is something you deserve and something that puts you on the right path. Louis really deserved that help. "But Mum,how did you find me?" I asked.

"Honey rest. Stop talking. To cut a long story short, the driver you took directed us to the warehouse. Now rest. You need it." "Mum I want to see Kelvin. I want to go to him. I can't rest without seeing him. I need to. Please. You don't want to keep a patient begging right?" I gave Mum puppy eyes. She sighed.

"Stop trying to be cute. You are already cute. Let's go to him then. But promise me after seeing him, you will come back to rest." I nodded. Mum helped me up. My head was not sparing me with its pain. It kept throbbing. But I needed to see Kelvin.

Bandage was tied around my waist. I looked at it confused. "Oh that, the doctor said that place is a little damaged. He said in no time, you will be fine." Oh I see. I stood up and a sharp pain shot through me. My rib hurt. It must have happened when Jack pushed me to the ground or when the ugly man dropped me on the hard floor.

Mum helped me as I walked slowly to Kelvin's room. The room was huge and so beautiful. I looked at Kelvin on his bed, eyes closed. There was a bruise on his forehead, cheek, neck and arm. From his chest to his abdomen was bandaged.

Oh Kelvin. He was really hurt. I couldn't believe the lively,energetic and strong apollo was now lying on his bed helplessly with his eyes closed. Louis was surely gonna pay.

My gaze returned to his pale face. Guilt cut me deeply at the sight. I could have protected him just how he vowed to protect me. My eyes were watery. I held his hand and kissed it. Kelvin, why don't you just wake up? I'm right beside you, just open your eyes and look at me.

Mum left the room after some time of noticing I was not gonna leave him now. I stretched out beside him on his bed, putting my head on his chest. Closing my eyes, I tried to just listen to his heart beat and sleep. Kelvin would be fine. Nothing will happen to him, but I doubted I could ever forget the moment I thought I almost lost him.

"I love you Kelvin." I murmured against his chest. Mrs. Wigglesworth stepped in. Her eyes took in the sight of my head on Kelvin's chest. "How are you darling?" She said quietly as she walked closer. I raised my head."I'm fine Mum but Kelvin isn't." Tears were pouring.

"It's okay dear. The doc said he will be fine. He will heal in no time. Don't worry." He will be fine when? I peered at Kelvin's face once more. His beautiful face. I then went back to putting my head on his chest.

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